I don't know..

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Recap: "Do you want us to go with you?" Will asked. I nodded and we walked down stairs. I was so nervous I was shaking. When I was midway on the stairs and I couldn't believe my eyes. "What the fuck?" I yelled..

Chapter 17 ~ I don't know

Nikki's POV

He jumped and his eyes went wide. "Nikki it's not what it looks like!" He said in shock. "What the hell? Yes it is what it looks like! Who is this bitch?" I yelled with tears threatening to spill. "Excuse me?" The whore who was all over my boyfriend spit. "Yeah that's right I called you a bitch!" I yelled. By now everyone was gathering around. It's a good thing Mr and Mrs.Smith weren't here.. Or Tommy. "Who do you think you are?" She screamed.

"Do you not have ears? 'Cause apparently not! My names Nikki, Levi's girlfriend!" I spit back. I wanted to hit this bitch so bad! I walked down stairs while my friends where behind me. She started to walk up to me. Her face and my face where inches apart. "Listen here, if I EVER see you my boyfriend again you won't see the next day! And you.." I added pointing to Levi. "We need to talk!" The bitch got in my face again. "Listen here slut!" "Hey she is not a slut.. Unlike you!" Alex said." She shot him a glared and continued. "I don't give a shit who you are, don't tell me what to do and what not to do!" I had had enough! I slapped the bitch to make her stumble back. Will held me back because I was about to go after her while, Levi was holding.. Whatever her name is back. "You will pay for this bitch!" She yelled while Zayn pushed her out the door. "Will let go of me!" I snatched my arms out of his hands and stomped up stairs but not before I heard Levi say "Nikki please wait!" I slammed my door so hard that I thought I broke it but, I didn't. I screamed in my pillow and cried. I had forgotten that my friends where in the room. They where all silent until I heard Lexi burst out laughing. The hell? I got up and wipe my tear stained cheeks. She was on the ground clutching her stomach. "What the hell Lexi?" I'm kinda used to it though. She's always random. "I'm so sorry Nikki but the way you cursed her out!" I chuckled. "I think I'm going to talk to him." I said. They all nodded and I went to check in his room. I knocked and Levi opened the door. "We need to talk." I said. He moved aside and I walked in. "Listen Nikki it's not what it lo.."

"Don't tell me it's not what it looked like because obviously it was. Who was she?"

"That's my ex, Madison. Nikki, listen to me. She had came to the house and I opened the door and she started to move closer to me and then she kissed me! And that's when you walked in."

"Then why did I see you kissing her back?"

He opened his mouth but then shut it. I looked down and tears where spilling out.

"I have to tell you something Levi, I kissed Zayn..." I whispered

"You what?" He yelled

"I'm sorry! You kissed Madison!"

"Why did you kiss Zayn?"

"Why did you kiss Madison?"

He didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought. We have no answers! Levi I'm sorry I kissed Zayn. And I know I probably hurt you but you hurt me also.. I-I don't know if we should be together. I'm sorry."

I turned around but Levi grabbed my arm. He stood up and kissed me passionately. "Please don't leave me." He said. I looked down and tears were falling down my cheeks. He wiped my tears away with his thumbs. "I-I don't know.." I mumbled. "Please don't leave me!" He pleaded. He took my hand and he sat down on his bed. He pulled me down and I was now sitting on his lap. "Levi I don't know.. I'm so confused.." He put his head in the crook of my neck and I felt wet drops fall on my skin. I turned around and wiped his tears away. Ours eyes held contact and he leaned into kiss me. All of a sudden the door busted open and Vincent was standing in the door shocked! "I didn't mean to ruin anything!" He quickly said. I got up off of Levi and walked to Vincent. "It's okay." And with that I walked to my room.. Well lets say I ran to my room! I opened the door and was glad to be out that damn room. "What happened?" They all asked at the same time. "I don't know honestly." I fell on my bed. "How about we go to the park?" Kayla suggested. "What's up with you and parks!" I said. I got up did my make-up and changed in the bathroom. Off to the park!

We started to walk to the park. "So how did y'all save up the money?" I asked. "First that's a stupid question Nikki!" Will said. If only looks could kill.. I punched his shoulder but it didn't affect him! "I hate you!" I stuck my tongue at him. "I love you!" He said with a smile. "Whatever!" Then I saw some one I never wanted to see again. Dylan.. "Y'all. That's the guy that left the bruise on my cheek." Dylan came walking over. Shit! "Hey babe!" He said touching my cheek. I flinched away and hid behind Will. "Leave her alone!" Will said. "Aw who is this? You other boyfriend? And who are these lovely ladies?" He said while winking at them. "No! He is not my boyfriend! And leave them alone!" I spoke up. He grabbed my wrist and snatched me. "Never." He whispered in my ear. He grabbed my wrist tight and I whimpered. Will snatched me back and kick Dylan right in the private. "I told you to leave her alone!" He sneered. We walked away. That was close. My phone vibrated letting me know I have a message.

From: Blondie Tomlinson (Krista)

Hey! Can I come over?

To: Blondie Tomlinson

Um.. Sure but my friends from Texas are here!

From: Blondie Tomlinson

Okay that's fine. See you in 20?

To: Blondie Tomlinson

See you in 20!

"Hey guys we should head back I want you to meet someone!" I said. We all agreed and walked back to the Smiths' house.


Woah! So Blondie Tomlinson is actually one of my contacts(: She's my bestfriend and she's blonde and she likes Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. And her name is actually Krista! Lol! Okay so I was stuck at my mothers again-_- So I couldn't update. She has no Internet soo yeah. SORRY!

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