As soon as the door was shut you turned to you mother and she said before you could say anything "you father was the one to ask for their hand and they said they will come to see the bride themself. And your father couldint say no. You know he wouldn't." You just stared at her unable to comprehend the day that you were going to get marring off just because your father think you were useless. "y/n, my dear, they are none other than the gojo clan. You are going to marry the strongest sorcerer in the world. I know he is going to keep you happy."

You couldint imagine yourself getting married you wanted to become a doctor and marry a person whome you would be the one to choose not your father. "I guess being the daughter of a jujutsu clan would not let me live a normal life after all" you thought to yourself.

Yes you hand no choice but to drown yourself in the dreadful life you father was going to choose for you. You couldn't do anything, nothing. Nothing but accept your fate. You wanted to cry, run away but nothing would work you didn't cry neither did you try to run away you just say their and listened to you mother praising your soon to be husband.

"Y/n, you are going to be none other than the strongest's wife, you would feel proud of yourself. He's name is gojo satoru. I'm sure you might be know about him. He really is a very handsome man. Do you want to see him?" Your mother asked politely. She knows you were not happy so she kept her boundries.

"I'm gonna get some fresh air" and you left your room and went straight to the garden you your clans estate.

You stood there trying to comprehend everything. Trying to accept everything. Trying to understand your life after your marriage. You stood there in silence taking in deep breaths as your eyes were shut basking under the sunlight.

You felt relaxed, you needed it after the thirty minute long argument with your father you really needed it. Definitely. But fate doesn't go your way right, more like it doesn't want to.

"Y/nnn!!" Ahh, yes the last thing you needed right now was for someone to break the relaxing silence you needed.

You turned your head slightly to see who was coming your way. And guess who was it akiko, you uncles daughter. She was a sorcerer, just like your brother but she wasn't like him by nature. She was cute, very talkative and definitely enjoyed annoying you but you didn't mind it after all she was the only one who admired you and truly loved you.

You were irritated but not after seeing her face.

With a bright smile she ran towards you and said "I can't believe that you are getting married y/n!, I'm so happy for you"

"Yeah, I didn't believe it either." You said with a smile on your face but it wasn't forced.

"Hav you seem the his picture. He is so handsome. Him and you are gonna make the perfect pair. Ahh..! I can't wait to become an aunt." You frowned at her words.

"You're putting too much effort to you brain akiko... I don't think I'm ready for this. It's just too early and father won't listen to me." You say you expression turning sadder.

"Y/n, I think you are ready. Look at you, your so beautiful and mature. I'm sure he is gonna treat you right and he is gonna love you and if he doesn't you know I'm gonna kill him myself" you chuckled at her words, you smile returing.

"Let go wo don't have time we have to do the shoping. Aunty told me to take you with me for it." You frowned again at her words. 

"Wait, when are they coming? Why do you mean we don't have time?" You asked hint of curiosity and confusion in your tone.

"Umm.. on Friday, day after tomorrow. Wait aunty didn't tell you that?" Now she was confused too.

"I guess I literally don't have any right to my life myself" you were more irritated than before now.

none other than the strongest's [Gojo Satoru x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now