To You I Can Admit, I'm Just Too Soft For All Of It

Start from the beginning

It's when Louis starts getting everything ready to close the shop that he notices a boy, not much older than him, standing a bit further away from his store, looking at it with curiosity. He's wearing black skinny jeans and brown boots, hair hidden by a pink beanie. Louis smiles at him and is about to wave, knowing that many O's are too shy to walk into his store at first, but the boy only blushes and looks away before he starts rushing off.

Not thinking too much of it, Louis finishes closing the boutique and goes home. Not long after he walks in the door, he's cuddled into his own nest watching Avatar, the Last Airbender, show from his childhood that he still loves to watch to this day, feeling comfort spreading through him. Louis loves his nest, has spent hours perfecting it, and he likes to think he has mastered the art of building nests. It's built on his bed, cushioned with many blankets and soft fabrics. There are clothes, some of Niall and Zayn's, and some of his sister's that are hidden beneath silk sheets coloured in the softest blue that still let the scent seep through. Because if there's one thing Louis hates, it's nests that are just a bunch of clothes in every colour imaginable. There has to be an aesthetic to them for Louis to feel comfortable. Over the blue silk sheet on the side of the wall is a layer of chiffon fabric, embroidered with little blue and white flowers.

So Louis wants a pretty nest, and he knows many omegas don't understand it or value it, but he does. 

The next day is a bit busier with Louis running out of flowers by the time noon runs around, so he texts Zayn to bring him new ones, knowing that he is off work. Zayn does so, only with a bit of grumbling, but Louis knows he doesn't mind when the alpha comes in through the back door with some lunch as well as a bouquet of daisies. Louis turns the sign hanging in the door to 'closed' after he has greeted Zayn. Then goes to unpack the brown paper backs, smiling when he sees that it's stuffed with more sushi than they will be able to eat.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He asks, grabbing a pack of crispy rolls that are luckily still warm.

"Are you talking to me or the sushi?" Zayn asks with a chuckle, sitting down on the chair Louis has behind his counter while Louis himself sits down on the counter, one leg crossed the other dangling down.

"The sushi. You. Both?" Louis says, taking off the plastic cover. 

"Sure babes." Zayn laughs, grabbing a soup container. "There is some soup for you as well, you should eat it first." He says, taking the sushi from Louis which almost makes the omega growl. His day has been exhausting and he is hungry, sue him.

"The sushi is still warm though." He complains.

"So is the soup. Come on Lou, it's getting colder, you'll need it."

"I don't like you going all alpha on me and you know that." Louis retorts, taking his sushi back. "You can do that on Niall."

"I'm only looking out for you, I'm not going all alpha on you. I know you get sick easily, that's all."

"I don't want the soup." Louis insists, making Zayn roll his eyes but put the container back into the take out bag.

"You know it's okay to get taken care of? And it doesn't make you weaker or anything-"

"I know that Zayn." Louis interrupts sharply. He's perfectly capable of taking care of himself and the last he needs is an alpha to try to prove him differently, not even when it's his best friend that is in a committed relationship with another alpha.

"You're mean today." Louis only glares at Zayn.

"I'm mean everyday, thank you very much." Louis huffs, eating another tempura california roll. "Anyway, I need you and Niall to help me with the inventory."

To you I can admit, I'm just too soft for all of it Where stories live. Discover now