Rainbow In The Dark

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‘You speak like a fucking human!!’ Rin screeched, eyebrows scrunched in confusion. They stare at the crow, flabbergasted, their wings ruffling behind them.

“And you're a human bird. What the hell?” The crow hops off Rengoku's shoulder, circling them and hovering in front of Rin's face. “What type of bird are you, Demon bird?”

“Dammit, call me Viper.”

“Demon bird.”


“Demon bird.

“Vip- for fucks sake, fine. Peregrine falcon.” Rin says, rolling their eyes as they accept defeat.

To his credit, Rengoku is only silently laughing, holding a hand to his mouth as his shoulders shake. Though Tanjiro and the yellow boy aren't as silent, their giggles are audible from behind Rengoku. Shooting them a playfully mild glare, Rin pulls out an energy drink and opens it. The snap the top makes causes the two boys to fall silent and peer around to watch Rin.

Sipping it, they sigh as they finally get their hourly dose of caffeine. Although they have a caffeine quirk, which turns water into any energy drink, as long as you know the ingredients, it just doesn't taste the same. They much prefer store-bought watermelon Monster.

“Well, Rengoku, your master calls.” they drawl sarcastically, lowering their energy drink and raising both eyebrows with a smirk.

“Ah yes, I shall take you to my master. Let's go, demon bird.” Rengoku says, finally letting his laughter out at the offended squawk it brings.

When they turn around, they are met with the sight of the crowd of passengers in the same place. None of them have left and instead have settled down as though they were waiting for something.

With a few flaps of their wings, Rin flies over the tracks to land in front of the nearest Kakushi, who happened to be the farthest from the people. Upon seeing Rin land right next to them, the Kakushi startled, their eyes widening before returning to the blank indifference they held before, and Rin took two steps back. That seems to help a little, as they no longer look like they might take off running at the slightest movement.

“Is someone coming for the people? Why are they all settling?” Rin asks, keeping their tone down so as to not cause more anxiety and not be heard by the crowd.

“W-well, they are waiting for the next train. The conductor has been informed and will stop for them.” the Kakushi says blankly, their hands shaking slightly as they fight with themselves to appear unafraid.

Rin watches them as they fidget, frowning at the obvious fear but ultimately brushing it off. It's inevitable in a place where Rin does indeed look like the type of creature that has been killing them.

“And when will that be?”

“Tonight.” Rin allowed themselves to choke on the sip of energy drink they had just taken, coughing as it threatened to go up their nose.

The Kakushi watches Rin cough with a raised eyebrow, their nerves mildly easing as they watch the very human action.

After they compose themself, they look up, meeting the Kakushi’s eyes, and ask, “After sunset?? That's the soonest?”

As though they sense the hidden question, their expression shifts from blank into one of mild worry, and they nod.

Rin hums thoughtfully, looking up and scanning the trees.

Eyes landing on their target, they trill loudly.

‘Crow! Come here please, it's urgent.’

The bird, who was doing its very best to hide in a nearby tree, seemed to sigh as it reluctantly glided down, landing on the arm that Rin held out.

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