Chapter Trulla: Mondstadt Gastronomy Trip

Start from the beginning

Seeing the fairy made her surprised to see something like her, "Paimon!" Xiangling yelled as she looked at Paimon with a hungry look.

That caused some audience members to have some Deja Vu as they knew what would happen in the next second. Some audience members got confused about their reactions, as they had no idea what was going on.

"Hm? This one's confused as to why you're chuckling while feeling nervous."

"Hehe, you're about to see it, Ms. Xianyun," Ganyu tells her, which makes her more confused.

She tilted her head while feeling nervous, "Why are you looking at me like that?" Paimon looked at her with confusion. 

Some of the audience members were surprised that Paimon would say 'me' rather than 'Paimon', but they ignored it as they waited for the inevitable response.

"What an exotic creature, is it edible?" Xiangling asked the two, which made Boboiboy and Lumine (alongside some audiences) surprised to see that she wanted to eat her.

Boboiboy was about to say no but...

"Dig in," Lumine said with a serious face.

"Is she that tasty?" Razor asked with a little drool, which made Paimon even more terrified that there was another person who would want to eat her. Bennett quickly reacted by holding him to make sure that he didn't take a bite.

"Yes! But sadly you can't eat her as she's my friend." Lumine tells him with a smile, which makes Paimon horrified by this.

"DON'T YOU DARE EAT ME!!!" Paimon immediately pulls her hair, which makes the traveler hurt in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Boboiboy quickly steps in to make sure to defuse the situation.

That made her mad and stomped on the air, "No! For the last time, Paimon is NOT EMERGENCY FOOD!" Paimon yelled at her angrily while Boboiboy was trying to hold his laugh. She noticed it and it made her say, "Don't laugh at me!"

"Hahaha! S-Sorry!" He apologized as he took a deep breath from his laugh.

She chuckles as she finds it funny to see her mad, "You seem like good friends. I have a good friend too, called Guoba." Xiangling then pointed at the small bear badge.

"Guoba?" 'Isn't that the name of Chinese food?' Boboiboy questioned himself.

"Chinese?" Xiangling was confused as to what he meant.

"It's the name of a country in my world." He explains her briefly, which gives her a clear understanding.

"Isn't that the name of a Liyue snack?" Paimon asked her, which made Boboiboy weirded out by the timing.

"Hee-hee... Both the snack and my friend have a special place in my heart. Anyway — can you do some hunting for me?" Xiangling asked them. "There's lots of game around here that would be amazing to cook with. I can't catch anything to save my life and I don't want to miss out!" Xiangling added.

"Sounds like a bit of an ordeal..." Paimon sighed

"Don't be like that... C'mon, I'll whip you up a tasty snack later!" Xiangling offered them, which made Paimon make up her mind.

"Ooh, you had me at the tasty snack! Don't worry, we're the bestest hunters ever!" Paimon said confidently, which made Lumine facepalm and Boboiboy chuckle. "Hey, whose side are you on!?" She questions Lumine.

"Hehe. That's awesome (Terbaik)." Boboiboy gave them a thumb-up.

"Hee-hee, don't worry about it, your friend has already given me a response. I don't care how it's done, so long as you bring me back some raw meat." Xiangling told them.

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