017. we've been disavowed

Start from the beginning

"Well, that's precisely why I decided that this is the perfect first mission abroad for Bozer." Matty grins.

"Hold up." Bozer freezes. "You just said I'm going on this mission?"

"You're going on this mission."

"I'm going on this mission. Watch out, Amsterdam!" He flicks his coat and Riley holds her head. "Here comes Bozer! Wilt Bozer." He wraps his arm around my neck. "Wiggity, wiggity, uh...thank you, ma'am. I mean Matty."

"This is literally the easiest first mission abroad that I could give you. So don't screw it up."


"And that jet? Amazing." Bozer goes on as I stand in the back of the truck with him, Mac, Evan and McKenna. "It was everything I thought it would be. Just like the one Roger Moore gets thrown out of right before he fights that evil dude on that space station. Do I need to be prepared for something like that?" He turns to me.

"I think we can safely rule out space travel, Wilt." I nod and cross my arms.

"Odds are, the plane flight will be the most exciting part about this trip." Mac adds.

"Well, a little boring sounds pretty exciting to me. Anyone else wanna check out the Van Gogh Museum?" Riley turns to us.

"You had me at Van Gough." I sketch in my journal.

"I'm in too. Why not?" McKenna shrugs.

"No, not me, thanks. I brought, like, ten Willie Nelson live CDs. I'm just gonna chill out in the van, put a dent in these." Jack tells us.

"CDs? Really, Jack?" Evan questions.


"You know they invented iTunes, right?"

"Yeah, but everybody knows CDs sound better."

"Well, people only say that about vinyl because-"

"Look it up. It's proven." Jack cuts Riley off.

"You know what, forget it. I give up." Riley looks back at her book and I continue sketching.

"Okay." He stops the car and I glance up. "So...this is where Prior's supposed to meet her contact. So until she shows, I say we sit back, relax, and enjoy my man Willie." He puts the cd in. "Yeah, there it is. Want me to turn it up?" He turns it up and I see him blow into something.

"I don't remember James Bond ever doing that." Bozer inquires and I go back to my sketch.

"You drawing the end of the world or something, Lina?"

"Already have, Jack. Years ago." I keep sketching.

"That's good. Always prepared."

"Exactly. Okay." I finish sketching and carefully tear out the paper. "Here you go." I hand it over to Bozer.

"Did you just draw me Sabertooth fighting Spider-Man?" Bozer gapes.

"You've been asking me to since last week. Thought it was time to shut you up." I go back to my other sketch in my journal and continue to work on that one.

"And you did this from memory?"

"I've seen the movies a thousand times. Might as well be in my bloodstream."

"Who the hell is Sabertooth?" Jack asks.

"And there it is." I mutter and the others chuckle.

"Funny, smartass."

𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐒 ━ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐆𝐘𝐕𝐄𝐑Where stories live. Discover now