Gossip & the Minstry: Where Is Draco Malfoy?

Start from the beginning


Draco could feel his head spinning as he tried to comprehend what was happening.
Harry was kissing him.
Harry was kissing him.
Merlin, he had dreamed of this moment for the last week as Harry darted away every time they ran into each other at home, his face a fetching shade of pink.
Hermione had told him to give him space and let him come to term with his feelings. Draco would wait forever if he needed to, never wanting to rush him into anything.
Harry's hands curled into his hair and he couldn't help slipping his tongue into his mouth, Harry squirming against him. He wanted nothing more than to lock his office door but managed to wrestle control of his more carnal urges. They had all the time in the world.
"I missed you too." Harry admitted as Draco peppered his face with kisses.
"Did you really?" He couldn't help the slight whine in his voice.
"Yes, you prat." Harry grumbled as he buried his face against his neck.
"You were avoiding me." He reminded him and Harry sighed.
"I want you, Draco. You make me feel wanted and cared for. I find the feeling exhilarating."
Harry admitted.
"But it also makes me nervous. I don't want our relationship to affect the children like it did with you and Hadrian." Draco thought carefully before laughing, Harry looking more and more annoyed as he tried to catch his breath.
"Harry pet, the children have been trying to get us together since our visit to Hogwarts, if not sooner. I can't believe you haven't noticed. Merlin, I thought Atty was going to stab Bill Weasley with his spoon." Harry looked gobsmacked as he blinked at him, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"What? Why would he want to stab Bill?"
"Because he looked like he wanted to eat you for dessert?" Draco had wanted to stab him too.
"Bill? He's like a brother to me."
"Yes, I had considered dueling him after dinner but I didn't want to ruin the mood." The Weasley's had opened their home to his family, he didn't want to offend them.
"Huh. I didn't even notice. I hope I didn't hurt his feelings." Harry mumbled and Draco kissed the corner of his mouth, immediately gaining his attention.
"Who cares? No one else can have you, Harry. I won't be able to stand it. I need you." He had to make sure Harry understood, he would not be letting him go.
"Merlin's pants." Harry covered his face with his hands, his words muffled.
"That was so attractive, did you steal that from a romance novel? Hermione and I share them." Harry rambled, staring up at him from between his fingers.
"You think so? I'm happy to do some more-" he paused, letting his hands drift lower "in depth research on just what you like."
Harry's eyes grew dazed and Draco leaned forward when a knock interrupted them.
"Lord Malfoy? Er, Mr. Potter? There seems to be a slight situation." One of the interns called out, her tone panicked as she waited for someone to answer her.
"We'll pick this up later." He murmured as he helped Harry straighten his clothes.
"Yes, Cynthia?" She silently pointed to the left and he swore loudly, James Potter giving him a guilty look.
"Draco! What a surprise to see you. I was just chatting with the boys when-" his mouth kept moving but no words came out as Harry peered around his shoulder, surprised to see his dad covered in chicken feathers.
"Dad, what happened?"
"Grandad was trying to show us a spell Padfoot made up but it backfired and he grew feathers." Scorpius whispered, as he tried not to laugh.
"Mummy, why is your face red? Did you and Father finally kiss?" Atticus asked, beaming when Harry didn't reply.
"Atticus, leave Mummy alone." He turned back to James, the man giving him the stink eye.
"Does Sirius know how to reverse the spell? I'm sure Regulus doesn't want to go to the Ball with an overgrown chicken." Harry laughed before pretending to cough, his wand already in his hand.
"I could probably help, dad." He slashed his wand at an angle and the feathers started falling off, leaving a pile around James's feet.
"Thank you, Harry. I'm sure Reggie will thank you too. Are you excited for the Ball?" James asked, his eyes flicking between the two of them.
"I'm not good at dancing but Narcissa worked so hard on my outfit. It should be fun."
Draco made a note to always keep Harry on his arm so no one had the opportunity to try and dance with him.
"Do you have a partner? I'm sure Sirius would be happy to go with you." Draco narrowed his eyes on his father in law before speaking up, his tone a little colder than he intended.
"Harry and I will be going together."
"We are?"
"If you'll have me." Draco said softly as he kissed the back of Harry's hand. He watched as his pupils dilated before he let out a strangled gasp.
Hissing left Harry's mouth, the Parseltongue foreign to his ears as he grinned.
"English, Harry." He teased and Harry laughed loudly.
Draco dropped off his notes from the trial before holding open the elevator.
"Shall we go home?"
Later, after he had tucked the boys in, he ran into his Father. He was carefully carrying a cup of tea for his Mother, something he had done every night since Draco could remember.
"Draco son, a little bird told me you and Harry made up." He couldn't stop his pleased smile as he held the guest room door open for him.
"Yes. Remind me to scold Atticus for gossiping."
His Mother let out a loud laugh, the sound full of joy as she took the offered cup.
"Leave the poor boy alone. He's just happy, though I think he's told everyone in the Manor about it, including the House Elves and portraits."
"Is that why Great Uncle Brutus congratulated me?" He snorted, his hand rubbing his face.
It seemed his youngest son was quite a talker.
"We're happy for you, Draco." His Father said softly, a warm gleam in his eyes.
Draco hadn't received such a look in years, probably not since his Hogwarts days.
"Thank you." He murmured as he stretched his feet out, feeling like a child as he perched at the end of his parents bed.
"Have you finished decorating for tomorrow, Mother?" His Mother thrived under pressure, purposely waiting till the last minute before starting any project.
"Yes, dragon. It's going to be," she paused dramatically before continuing, "magical."
"I can't wait to dance with Harry underneath all of the lights. He did admit he couldn't dance but I'm sure he was joking."
His parents exchanged a look before wishing him good night and he went to his own room, freezing at the sight of his usually closed door wide open.
He felt his heart stutter in his chest as he found a sleeping Harry curled in his bed, hugging his pillow tightly as he snored.
Hadrian had refused to sleep in the same room as him, claiming he was a restless sleeper.
They both knew the truth, that he rarely spent a night alone and didn't want to be bothered trying to make up excuses.
It had hurt more than he wanted to admit, having watched his parents' soft adoration never fade over the years.
He had wanted that and thought he could work with his Husband, that they could grow their business like marriage into something more real. He had been an idiot to try.
"Draco? Are you finally back?" Harry yawned as he peered up at him.
"I thought we could share." Harry's nervousness was charming and Draco eagerly slipped underneath the covers.
"I would love to."
As Harry snuggled against his side, he decided he could get used to this.

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