The Beginning of the Damned

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I walked into the lab, my brother's backplate facing me has he's hunched over the tabletop. I glanced over to the side to see a datapad with an old picture before the war, me and brother, smiling like everything was joyful, and our best friend, Fireflare, who was in the middle, smiling the biggest out of the three of us. We'd thought everything was great, that was until the war started, but we still had what was left of our youthful hopes and faiths.

But everything went downhill on that day. My brother wanted us to explore the abandoned city Tarn. I was wary of that decision, even voicing it out, but the both of them brushed them off, thinking I was being a worry-bot. But... my suspensions were correct. There was an ambush and we tried to fend ourselves off from them Decepticons, but as we retreated, Fireflare tripped. And just I was turning around to go back for her, a Decepticon loomed over her and stabbed her in the helm, an instant kill. My brother tried to go back to get revenge and to not let her die in vain, but I had to pull him away and back into Iacon. And ever since then, he blamed me for her death, saying it was my fault she is offline.

What made it worse is that we went to trial, and I lied, saying that it was my idea. But... what hurt the most is that he didn't even try to stop me, only giving me the most hate-filled glare he has ever had in his life.

And with that, our relationship crumbled, and I was demoted to scout, but my brother became the old Magnus' assistant, the next-to-be Magnus. It was only a few hundred more battles until he died and my brother became the new Magnus, Ultra Magnus.

The Prime Counsel made the final plan to put an end to this war, and that's when i decided to finally have a discussion with my brother, probably for the last time.

I pulled my gaze away when my brother spoke. "Yes, C/n?" He asked in demanding tone. "I... I just wanted to talk to you, like the good old days. How's it been going?" I hesitantly again, my voice box slightly shaking with nervousness. "...I don't want to talk. Even if I did, I don't have the time to." He said, attaching a piece to something. "Please, Minim- I mean, Ultra Magnus, I just want to talk. We don't know if it might be our last conversation with each other because this whole war is unpredictable." I stated.

"Are you saying that I'm weak?" He asked with venom in his voice, turning his head to glare at me. "No! I'm just worried. I'm your sister, it's my job to worry. Just... please." I said. I then looked over to what he had but couldn't see it as his new frame was blocking the way. "What... what do you have there?" I asked. "The game changer. The tool to finally end this war. It still needs tweaking; it can only effectively kill one Cybertronian. But soon, it will wipe out a giant herd of Decepticons in a fifty microquads, destroying hundreds, possibly thousands of Decepticons in one fell swoop." He said, turning around, showing of this big gun in his hand.

When he gave the explanation of the gun's purpose, my faceplate morphed into one filled with horror. "Magnus, that's a bit extreme. I mean, killed a bunch of Cybertronians, it could possibly wipe out your own troops. You're just going to possibly let a bunch of your soldiers died?" I questioned, stepping forward. "Not how like you let Fireflare die. I'm not letting that mistake happen." He said, giving a snarky reply, turning around back to the table to continue adjusting the gun.

Time seemed to freeze for me. He's still blaming me for her death? After I basically lied to the counsel to cover for him and destroying my reputation? After every I did to make sure he didn't get in trouble? I felt a boiling rage slowly rise up inside of me. "Are you fragging kidding me?" I asked aloud, distain filling my voice, making him stop what he was doing. "Excuse me?" He asked, turning his head to me. "I said, are you FRAGGING KIDDING ME?!" I shouted. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me! I am your superior!" He shouted back.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 07 ⏰

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