The other one (9)

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"Doctor, how can there be another TARDIS? It looks different."

"It's the same one Rose, I know her when I see her."

"Do you think it was a future version that sent the message?"


"Obviously" Rose remarked.

"I can't go out there, can't cross my own timeline... unless..."

"Unless what?"

"I could preform a memory wipe after whatever happens, you'd do the same."

"Okay so--"

Knock knock. Someone was knocking on the TARDIS door.

The Doctor opened it "Sorry this police box is out of order you could try 1963."

The man at the door laughed. Standing next to him was a short, pretty woman.

"We're from the police box across the street."

"Oh, there's one there? I don't like competition."

"Doctor, you didn't tell me you were this rude." The short woman said.

"I'm not rude!" The Doctors said in unison.

"He's fine, he's just too easily annoyed." Rose said.

"Tell me about it." The short woman exclaimed. "Clara Oswald."

"Rose Tyler." They shook hands.

"I'm the Doctor." The man said. he had grey-ish hair and a Scottish accent.

"Hey me too." The Doctor said. "Now tell me, what the hell am I doing here."

"Just listen. I need you to help me."

"With what?"

"Can't tell you yet, something big."

"Oh, so having two bonehead time lords is better than one?"

"Not just us. I'm gathering a team."

"Let me guess, people I haven't met?"

"Well... well... um..."

"How old are you anyway?"

"2,000, unless I'm lying."

"You look good for that age."

"Really?" Clara asked. "The other one--"

"Shut up."

"Let's get to my TARDIS, I'll show you what we're doing there."

Just then the group heard the TARDIS screeching noise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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