Start from the beginning

Valentines Day? That's stupid. Honestly, it's just a day for single people to feel bad and sulk around for the 24-hour duration of February 14th.

That's what you thought, at first. You hummed a bit and tapped the base of the red resin coating your electric guitar, bopping your head to the music coming from your headphones. Receiving the tap on a shoulder, you saw your fellow bandmate, Soleil "Antihoney" Cartier, pouting. "Y/NNN..! Amia's flirting with her fans, please?"

"She's at it again?" You sighed, shaking your head. "Yeah, sure, I'm on it. You get warmed up, 'kay?"

"Got it!"

The blonde-haired girl beamed at you, and went further backstage towards her room, beginning to start on her vocal warmups. You sat your guitar down on the small stool in your practice room, peeking just outside the curtains. ''s so crowded..!'

"Moonie! What's up, gang gang?" Amia grinned at you, running towards you from downstage and giving you a high-five. "'Gang gang'? Where's that from? Anyway, get practicing. Showtime's in..7 minutes."

She waved you off. "Ya, ya, I get it, I get it. Don't worry, babes!"

Amia "Cheri" Cartier, the drummer in your little 3-person band. "Antihoney", or Soleil, was your lead vocalist; and that left you. Y/N "Moonie" L/N, the guitarist.

To be honest, you didn't even know why your little band had gotten so..popular. You thought it was mediocre, at best, with you only having 3 people, and frankly, you treated it like one of those made-up bands you would start up with your friendgroup and would never talk about again. When you saw it surpass some of the most famous artists and other bands in your area, you were startled, to say the least. "'Kay, if you say so."

Shrugging and walking back to your dressing room, you looked yourself up and down in the mirror. Black aviator sunglasses, courtesy of your best friend, Sicily, and an oversized denim hat shadowed your face, making you smile a little. This was mainly to keep the whole "anonymous" thing going, and, to your surprise, it actually somehow worked. The three of you would tie your hair into various styles, maybe even wearing wigs (cough, cough, Amia), or even going so far as to using different colored contacts. You pulled off your disguised look pretty well, to be quite honest; you maybe even thought it looked better than the actual you.

Of course, some would care to disagree. Though, nobody outside your band members really know that the infamous "Moonie" was actually just a shy little schoolboy named Y/N L/N. The parallels between your two identities are quite strange, really.

The three of you gathered together, your guitar strap slung over your shoulder lazily. Your stage manager, Ermes, walked backstage with a clipboard, a pen slicked behind her ear. "Alright, y'all. This is our biggest show yet, so try not to fuck things up, aight?"

"Yes ma'am!" Amia grinned, giving a sarcastic salute to Ermes. 

The woman gave her a lazy grin and then tucked her clipboard under her arm, placing her arm forward and her hand in the center of you all. "You guys got this! And just remember to have fun, aight? Y'all are gonna do great!"

The lights on the stage flashed on, and you could hear cheering from the crowd. Ermes gave you guys a nod and hopped onstage, clearing her throat and stepping forward to the mic. "I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone for coming out here tonight! I hope you all have had a cozy February 14th.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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