The black veil suddenly completely stirred the heads and limbs of all the xenomorphs, and tightened violently!

The xenos didn't even snort, and struggled for a few seconds, and the carapace really began to melt like cream! The carapace melted, revealing the strange green viscera and flesh inside, which was not at all like the internal organ structure that humans could understand, and it was slowly melting with the carapace, turning into green sticky blood!

Everyone watched in disbelief.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to kill those five aliens, these people who are full of cool abilities have been killed for a long time, and they have not killed a single one, and at this time, they were directly given by this mysterious black veilHanged?

Maybe not hanged, but ...... Couldn't this black yarn have the same effect as concentrated sulfuric acid?

All ordinary people thought of this, and immediately put themselves close to the sedan chair, and some people even got under the sedan chair, and everyone could see that this black yarn did not mean to get close to the sedan chair, and it was only attacking those big insects, so it was safe near the sedan chair!

The members of the Special Investigation Unit were even more shocked. They had fought with the xenos with their own hands, and they all knew that each of these five xenos was at least A-level, and in normal times, the four of them joined forces and used a lot of props to help completely kill one! And now, this black yarn is so easy to get five of them?

Or can it be done at the same time!

Who is it, what kind of alien species, can have such powerful abilities? And who is it, as if to protect human beings, who specializes in exterminating these alien species, but leaving fresh humans untouched?

They may still know very little about the strange world. Lu Yurou and Xing Jiahui glanced at each other, and both of them thought of the powerful force that killed the xenomorphs outside the room last night.

Maybe last night's one was made of this black gauze too. And the power of this black veil, at least S+, may be able to reach the level of the evil god itself.

The members of the Special Investigation Department are still there, but ordinary people can clearly feel the impact of this black veil, they begin to have splitting headaches, yelling, rolling on the ground and even spurting blood in their noses, which are all obvious symptoms of the SAN value dropping!

Several members of the Special Investigation Division tried their best to keep the SAN value stable, watching the black veil completely melt and dissolve the five xenomorphs, until finally, there was not even a trace of green blood left on the ground, and the black veil slowly disappeared with a strange laughter.

In place, there was no trace of xenomorph breath left, and the green blood stains were melted clean.

Lin Gaoyi climbed onto the sedan chair crossbar for the first time:

"Shang Rong!".

He pulled the curtain of the sedan chair door and found that Shang Rong was trembling and leaning on the side of the sedan chair, the whole person shrunk into a small ball, and the red hijab on her head could not see her expression clearly, but she could clearly see that her thin shoulders were constantly shaking.

She must have been frightened! Pity that she has no ability, the xenomorph pincers have already reached into the sedan chair......

Lin Gaoyi frowned, looking at Shang Rong's expression very seriously, he couldn't help but ask,

"Are you okay?"

Shang Rong squeezed out a trembling voice from his throat:

"I ...... I'm fine...... What's going on out there?"

Lin Gaoyi said:

"There are xenos who come to attack us, and they are dissolved by a more powerful being, and we should be fine now." Unless...... Forget it, it's okay, you stay well, we'll go up the mountain right away, the wedding is completely completed, and we should be able to go out. The

girl's thin shoulders trembled even more, and she made a voice as thin as a mosquito:

"It's still ...... Is there a more powerful existence? It's terrifying......" She sounded like she was about to cry, Lin Gaoyi's heart was in pain, and he hurriedly comforted:

"Don't be afraid, it should be fine, that existence doesn't seem to have any ill will towards humans, it doesn't hurt any human at all, but is protecting us." The

girl nodded, and the red hijab shook and swayed:

"Well, are you all right?

We're all fine, I'm just scratching a little bit of skin. Okay, then I'll go out first.

He didn't hold back, stretched out his hand, and gently touched Shang Rong's red hijab, trying to comfort her, but he felt that his palm was too hot, so he immediately turned back and gently closed the curtain.

He got out of the sedan chair, and the other three, especially Xing Jiahui, were looking at him with extreme worry:

"Is she okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just frightened, let's hurry up and complete the task."

"Thankfully, she's fine...... I was so scared to death just now...... Thankfully, fortunately.

Xing Jiahui said, and immediately walked to lift the sedan chair, but was stopped by several other newcomers.

A few newcomers were sincere:

"Let's carry it, you fought just now, it's very hard to protect everyone, we can still help with this kind of thing."

So the sedan chair bearer was replaced by a few newcomers, and a few people from the special investigation department responded back and forth, and hurried to the mountain. Fortunately, there is still an obvious way up the mountain between the mountains and forests, and they are not so bad that they will not get lost.

At this time, the merchant wool in the sedan chair had already changed the trembling appearance just now, and sat directly with his legs open, throwing his hijab to the side, looking at the scenery of the mountains and forests outside the window, and relaxing the shoulder muscles that he had just shaken his head.

Alas, every day is full of acting challenges! Fortunately, I covered my head today, and it was enough to just perform my body movements.

In the future, she will not be a member of the logistics team, maybe she can challenge the entertainment industry and come back with a small actress.

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