My story n Pjo

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  Three years ago, the world I knew shattered into pieces. I was just an ordinary demigod, living my life at Camp Half-Blood. However, my parentage brought me more trouble than I could handle. One day, I found myself facing the wrath of the Olympian gods, who decided to banish me from their world. The reasons were unclear, but the weight of their decision lingered with me for years.

As I roamed the mortal world, trying to blend in and forget about the divine turmoil, I encountered Ganymede, a messenger of the gods. His appearance signaled that my past was catching up to me. It turned out that the gods needed me back in the Greek world for a crucial task.

Upon my return, I stood in a marble room surrounded by the twelve mighty gods who had banished me. Ganymede's presence confirmed the gravity of the situation. Artemis wore a resigned expression, hinting at the challenge ahead. Apollo explained the task—they needed me to calm down a powerful force, a task that required finesse rather than violence.

Reluctantly, I accepted the mission, and Zeus handed me a temporary golden Vito card, granting me 48 hours in the Greek world. Armed with my dagger, I left the room, fully aware of the skepticism that lingered among the gods, especially Athena.

Facing Gaia, the primordial goddess of the Earth, was a daunting task. Her presence alone felt like moving through a powerful time spell. Before I could process the danger, Gaia threatened to kill everyone, starting with Percy. The ground seemed to swallow me as Gaia approached with a dagger, ready to strike. However, an unexpected savior descended from the sky—a mysterious boy with caramel hair and scars that spoke of battles fought.

The boy effortlessly decapitated Gaia with a Stygian Iron dagger, leaving the demigods in awe. He revealed himself as Tate Baker and, with a casual demeanor, walked away, leaving the demigods bewildered. In an instant, they found themselves in Olympus, where Zeus offered them a reward for their unexpected triumph.

As the Fates appeared, they cursed Tate with the "curse of heaven and Earth." The process left Tate unconscious, covered in strange markings resembling tattoos. The Fates vanished, leaving the demigods in shock.

Tate awoke, feeling as if his body had been engulfed in Greek fire. Apollo, appearing by his side, remarked on the severity of the curse. The pain subsided, and Tate found himself facing a golden-eyed Apollo, who suggested claiming a reward from the gods.

Returning to Camp Half-Blood, Tate met with Artemis to request the transfer of his domain to her. Despite Artemis's anger, the deal was done, and her newfound power came with a single thought from Tate: "You owe me one."

The demigods were left processing the events of the day. Tate's mysterious abilities, the defeat of Gaia, and the unexpected reward from the gods left them in a state of disbelief. As Tate approached Percy and Annabeth, he introduced himself as the Son of Mississippi, revealing a title that shook the demigods—Savior of Olympus and Slayer of Gods. Intrigued, Percy and Annabeth urged him to share his full story.

And so, Tate began recounting the events that unfolded three years ago, laying the foundation for a tale that would shed light on his extraordinary journey.

almost lost his life, he was banished.

Tate Baker, the Son of Mississippi, found himself summoned to Olympus once again, this time with a dark and perilous mission. The gods, in their eternal wisdom or perhaps arrogance, tasked him with a mission that seemed insurmountable—to eliminate six rogue gods who had turned against their divine brethren.

The atmosphere in the marble room was tense as Tate was handed a list of the rebellious deities. The gods were serious about this, and the weight of the task ahead settled heavily on his shoulders. Without much room for negotiation, Tate was sent on his way, armed with his Stygian Iron dagger and a resolve to carry out the divine judgment.

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