We manage to get in the club,it's shitty. Clearly we all had a different idea of party than what we found inside.

"When she said party-" Freddie started
"You thought she meant more of an acid-fueled sex rave without the mancunians" Katie continued
"This is more like"JJ goes on
"Jelly and ice cream" I finish the sentence.

The party indeed was shit,the only thing making it better was the free champagne.

We see Cook getting approached by a man who I didn't see clearly but seems the Dad of the future bride. Just as the man walked away, I immediately understand who he is: that's Johnny White.

"What's the fuss?" asks Emily
"He's Johnny White,the gangster" Effy answers
"Yeah. Legend" Cook adds. Not much if he threatens you,Cook
"He murdered nuns over a Guinness" Freddie says. I remember hearing that a couple months ago
"Allegedly" the blonde adds
"He stabbed a policeman with a stuffed guillemot" JJ says. How the fuck is that even possible?
"That's not true,it was a puffin"

We all look around a bit confused and concerned.

That until Cook breaks the silence
"So who's in for narcotics?"

A lot of us agree,including me of course, followed by an hesitant Panda
"What?" me and Effy say a bit shocked
"I've decided I love drugs" Panda answers happily
"Whatever makes you happy" I respond shrugging

We all get to the bathroom,passing each other the baggie Cook had given us and snorting it.
While Cook is explaining what this is to Karen,I'm not bothered enough to listen as long as it gets me high.

Cooks then passes the baggie to Pandora who proceeds in stuffing her mouth with all of the remaining drug. I can't help but giggle and laugh at this,and most of all at her face when someone told her she wasn't supposed to do that.Me and Effy laugh at each other already feeling a bit high. Karen is upset but I don't even wanna hear it,we just head outside and grab a glass of that champagne.

We start dancing and I don't have a care in the world, I'm feeling extremely light and dancing makes it even better.


I glance at Trish dancing,I can't take my eyes off her, since the first day of college I've felt like I should talk to her more often if I really want to get to her,but it seems impossible. I reach Cook and JJ near the bar

"Freddie we gotta get this man some drugs" JJ exclaims

"Why?" I ask,the hell does he need that for right now now?

"Do the look"JJ says to Cook who does the worst impression of what is supposed to be seductive

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm getting laid tonight"
god how selfish he is

"Please,not Kayleigh. Think of me and JJ. You're not fucking her. I thought you liked Effy"
he's totally going to spoil the party,or whatever this shit is

"She's a peach.But I've already tapped that,top dollar shag. Oh and her friend as well,nice tits. They're my last resort. A sure thing I reckon." What? Him and Trish?I mean I understood about Effy,but Trish?

"You shagged Trish?"

"Oh,come on Freds."

"When?" I ask

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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