The key to this riddle is...

222 17 24

I have keys, but open no locks,
I have space, but you cannot fill it.
You can enter, but you cannot leave.

What am I?


A/N: Hey, guys! I'm sorry for not updating that much! 😰 At least summer is here, witch means MORE UPDATES! Yay! I was just busy with the new story I'm writing.

*looks at half of readers leaving* *looks at remaining readers*

Uh... *cough* Well, for you remanding readers, you get a cookie! Two cookies in fact. Thanks for staying and actually reading lol XD

SO YEAH. I'm actually writing another story. I'm at the start, so it might take a lot when it's all done. It's kind of like a "you choose your fate" story. It'll be amazeballs!

Alright, i'll stop writing. You can leave now, my sparkles! XD


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