05 - XXI the world

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CHAPTER SYNOPSIS  A reunion ball takes place on your old school. A reunion of memories burn your mind.

 A reunion of memories burn your mind

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— So, what does it say?

You asked, looking at the cards in front of you. Only one could be read clearly from where you stood: XXI the world; The others weren't very readable, but you could recognize a knight in one of them.

You were never one to believe in other things rather than God, but you needed a signal, it didn't matter where it came from.

In the past, it would come with pretty lips and bangs, nowadays you had to contempt yourself with cards.

— The world usually means a completion of cycle, a chance to inspire others with what you've learned, however, your card is on reverse, which means you haven't truly accepted the end of it yet. You are stuck.

You put on a facade, feeling your stomach start to boil with anger. Not over the tarot lady, but at yourself, at the truth.

Stupid plane, stupid game. Stupid heart that didn't know when to stop loving and when to start thinking.

You couldn't even watch a football game without balling your eyes out, how embarrassing was that?

— The eight of wands is about action and accomplishment, it talks about coming to terms with transformation of one's own relocation or even, well, sexuality... — she keeps going, like she hadn't filled your mind with questions and worries — Now, the knight of swords... I can see you went through really hard conflicts — externally and internally — but this says for you to keep going, to maintain your pace: things will run smoothly as long as you keep going.

Keep going? Isn't that what you had been doing over the past years? Just surviving without exactly living?

You had never left the woods, not truly. Your mind was still in that cabin, your heart was still buried five feet deep in that mud, your soul was locked within the trees.

You were more lost in society than you were in that desert of hope.

— So, you have loved her for thirty eight years?

The madam needs to hold out her surprised face, perhaps even a mock disbelieving giggle after hearing your confession.

— No, we've met thirty eight years ago — you correct her, shaking your head — I've loved her my whole life, I just wasn't aware of it yet... but she was there, on the lucky coin on the ground to the kind words of strangers and being at the right place on the right time. She has always been there.

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