This unfair, she nearly died

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The next morning , lucy- got up early, she went in the kitchen, she got a knife and broke the blade of it, she cut her arms but one stung so bad she couldn't help but scream, that woke tim up and he rushed down to her

Lucy- in here
Tim- babe why are u doing it again
Lucy- because, but I went too deep
Tim- oh hunney

He sorts her arms out and hey cuddled, they both got ready and left, she went and put her stuff in her locker and it was  just her until bishop walked over to her

Bishop- nice little show u put on for tim- in the kitchen this morning
Lucy- h-how do u know
Bishop- he was letting grey  know , your so dramatic
Lucy- well that your opinion not mine, yk at least I can find true love get married and have a good promotion all in the age of my 20s , where are u huh, single, a new T.O, in your 40s ye
Bishop- watch your self

Bishop punches herself and runs to grey and tim

tim- she would never do that
Grey- I agree with tim

Lucy  walks out and u could tell she has been crying

Grey- chen did u punch Bishop
Lucy- WHAT? sir
Bishop- well I didn't just lunch myself
Lucy- yes u did I have it on record, I always keep a camera on me
Tim- that's true

They looks back and hear the conversation between them 2 and see Bishop punch herself saying it's lucy 

Lucy- istg I'm gonna fucking kms in a min
Tim- baby, don't think like that ok
Grey- Bishop, your on ya last chance
Bishop- yes sir

Bishop walks off and lucy- breaks down in tims arms

Lucy- I can't do it tim
Tim- yes u can

Later that night, lucy and tim got home, she went into the bathroom and cut herself too deep, she ended up passing out , tim- Hurd s big thud

tim- LUCY

He breaks the door down and sees her bleeding out, he takes her to the hospital

Doctor- lucy could've died if u got here 2 mins later
Tim- is she ok
Doctor- atm she'd in surgery but she should be fine

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