Part 2

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Mary looked everywhere for Larry and she was going to hurt him even more.

Meanwhile Larry, Bradley, and Pete were sitting in a fire place where they built tents and started a fire in the woods then a strange noise came everyone went silent when the creature stepped out of the wood it was a dog they saw the dog and decided to keep it because it will die from hunger or something. They stayed hidden for weeks until Pete suggested they report Mary but it was too dangerous because they knew what would happen if Mary found them she already did once. Larry barely spoke to them because he can barely talk due the trauma of the experiments and what Mary and her minions did to his mouth Bradley and Pete were concerned about him because he usually bleeds out sometimes but Larry ended up okay.

While still in the woods Bradley sent Larry to get some wood for a fire he heard a woman's voice and Larry screaming then the screaming turned into muffled screams Bradley ran to see Larry tied and gagged and Mary with her minions grinning she started laughing and took Larry but Bradley ran after her and fought her but failed and Pete heard all the sounds and tried to fight to but failed to they screamed as Larry was being took.

Lol sorry for the cliffhanger

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