Chapter 02

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"So, have you already returned the notebook? Did you open it? What was written on it? Was it like his diary?" Antoinette bombarded me with a barrage of questions. Despite her eagerness for answers, I could only shake my head in response.

"In what question is that answer?" she asked again.

I had spent the entire night studying my poorly written notes in Latin, leaving me with dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep. I was struggling to keep my eyes open, let alone summon the energy to communicate.

I calmly closed my notebook, releasing another frustrated sigh before speaking.

"I returned it last night. There wasn't anything particularly interesting written in it, aside from the fact that he has excellent handwriting and his notes are more organized than mine," I explained, not making an effort to downplay the situation. However, Antoinette's facial expression remained unchanged.

Antoinette's unchanged expression made me wonder if she was expecting something more scandalous or revealing. I shrugged off the thought and continued, "Anyway, I didn't have much time to flip through it extensively. I was too focused on trying to prepare for today's Latin recital."

Antoinette nodded understandingly, her curiosity seemingly satisfied. "Well, at least you returned it. And don't worry too much about your notes, Inès. You always manage to pull through," she reassured me with a supportive smile.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a familiar figure striding confidently in our direction. His long grey coat billowed behind him as he walked, his hair neatly combed to the side, and his expression shows no interest as he just passed us by. What a celebrity he was.

"Not even a hi from Magnan," Antoinette remarked, her tone tinged with a hint of hopelessness.

"Do you like Magnan?" I asked Antoinette curiously.

Antoinette shook her head emphatically. "No, definitely not. What are you thinking?" she replied with a laugh.

“Nothing.” I said.

Magnan had always been the popular guy among women. Smart, respectful, and dignified, he possessed qualities that any woman would find desirable. His confidence and proficiency in various areas earned him admiration from all.

He was constantly praised and looked up to by everyone, and sometimes, just sometimes, I found myself hoping I was better than him. Perhaps then, I would have the chance to experience the same level of admiration and respect.

I watched his back slowly disappear in my sight. He has such an attractive back.

And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner

They'd be your partner and

You're so vain

You probably think this song is about you

You're so vain (you're so vain)

Mrs. Giraud was still speaking when the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Students swiftly gathered their belongings and dashed towards the door, as if a magnetic force had suddenly pulled them all in the same direction.

It was only then that I realized I was the only one left in the classroom. Mrs. Giraud peered at me over her glasses, her expression unfriendly.

"Ms. Clément, should I remind you that staying inside the classroom during break is prohibited? Pack your things quickly and leave; I'm locking the classroom," she said curtly, tapping her desk for emphasis.

As soon as my right foot crossed the threshold of the classroom, a familiar voice startled me, causing me to flinch. The culprit seemed pleased with my reaction, evident from the chuckle that followed.

"That wasn't funny, Magnan," I said, my tone uptight.

"You've got a heart condition now, huh, Clèment?" he smirked.

Before I could retort, Mrs. Giraud intervened. "Move out of the way, Ms. Clèment," she instructed.

I complied, stepping to the other side of the door and waiting for Mrs. Giraud to pass before addressing Magnan.

“What do you need?” I asked.

Magnan reached into his brown leather briefcase, the satisfying click of the latch echoing in the hallway. He rummaged through it though not in a hasty manner before holding out a familiar item. It was his Latin notebook, once again.

"I heard from Legrand that you think my handwriting is excellent," he smirked as he handed me the notebook once again.

I accepted the notebook from Magnan, "Antoinette mentioned that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Magnon nodded, his smirk widening. “Yes,she did. And I thought you might want to take a closer look at it.”

“Thanks.” I said flatly. I didn't really know what to say.

“No problem. Just thought you might find it helpful for the recital." He shrugged, “See you later.”

With a casual wave, Jean-Pierre turned to leave, and I found myself standing beside the door, unable to tear my eyes away, even as he distanced himself. A gentle smile formed on my moist lips, and a warm realization crossed my mind.

I now understand why everyone was drawn to him.

"Goodbye, Inès! I'm really sorry I can't walk with you home," Antoinette apologized.

"It's okay, Antoinette. I can walk by myself," I reassured her, not wanting my cousin to feel bad for not being able to join me on the walk home.

"Alright, call me when you arrive!" she said before departing.

"Well, congratulations. You actually managed to pull through," Magnan remarked, stopping by my side.

"Thanks," I murmured, placing my right foot on the first tread of the stairs.

Magnan walked alongside me, his gaze fixed on the birds soaring through the sky. With the sun dipping below the horizon, the school grounds were quiet, most of the students having already departed for the day. He picked a cigarette and lit it with a flick of his lighter. After taking a puff, he spoke.

"Quite a day, wasn't it?" Magnan mused, exhaling a stream of smoke into the evening air. The fading sunlight cast long shadows across the staircase.


“You did well today.”


Magnan tilted his head towards me, a subtle hint of dissatisfaction in his expression.

“Well, what do you expect me to say?”

He paused for a moment, considering my question. "I don't know... Maybe something more than just 'thanks'?"

“Thanks a lot?”


"Wait, uhm... Thank you for lending me your Latin notebook. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have survived it," I said, genuine appreciation coloring my words.

Magnan paused, a hint of satisfaction evident in his expression. "Well, I got what I wanted to hear.”

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