When they're overprotective... (HEADCANON)

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Go kyungjun

• In the game there's only one thing he cares about besides himself and that's you
• So he naturally shifts into overprotective mood to make sure the two of you will get out of there safely
• Never loses your sight
• Becomes your personal bodyguard
• Your classmates need to go easy on you,or he will get mad
• If you ask him to be tamed with the people around he will listen to you; but if he notices that you are too much scared or uncomfortable nothing will hold him back
• Glares at everyone who is suspicious
• Thinks 24/7 about who the mafia is in order to protect you by kicking them out
• If he spots a mafia he will use his eloquence to make everyone vote for him
• When you hide with him he checks doors and windows several times to be sure they're locked


Kim junhee

• He wants to save everyone but you are his priority, so he automatically becomes overprotective
• Never leaves your side, not even for a second
• But if he's not around his phone will surely be open on your chat; he can't miss out if you need help
• Makes sure that you eat and drink regularly so you'll be healthy when he'll get you out of that game
• He doesn't trust anyone and always keeps his guard up when someone interacts with you
• Asks you if you're okay multiple times a day
• And if he sees that something's wrong he'll be completely focused on you
• Has the most intelligent ideas when it comes to hiding because if the mafia can't find you, you'll be safe
• Has no strength to kill but if someone dares to vote for you be sure that he will vote for them
• Covers your eyes anytime someone dies because he doesn't want you to see such a cruelty


Jang hyunho

• As soon as he realises that you're stuck in a deadly game he runs to you and becomes your shadow
• Spends most of his day thinking about how to save you
• When he's in overprotective mood he becomes extremely clingy and touchy because the closer you are the easiest it is to keep you safe
• You have to constantly remind him that you're okay
• He's got an attitude and he is also the tallest out of your classmates, that's why it takes nothing to him to scare away anyone who could hurt you
• "Need to talk to me?" anytime someone tries to get to you
• Keeps a first aid kit in his room to be sure he can treat you if you get hurt
• He won't let you explore the place unless he comes along
• Becomes the wall you hide behind when you're scared
• And when someone dies he hugs you and lets you hide your face in the cloth of his hoodie because he knows that you are sensitive


Jin dabum

• He's the mafia, so the first thing that comes to his mind when he finds out his role is to lead you to the end of the game
• He would sacrifice himself to let you win because he cares more about you than his own life
• Deceives the other mafias when they're looking for your hiding place
• Gets rid of anyone who proposes to vote you out
• Reassures you all the time
• Seems shy but he's your personal guard dog
• "Don't worry, I'll handle this" anytime something happens
• Brings you food and water because he wants you to stay healthy
• Asks for updates when he's not around
• Calms down only when you tell him that you're doing fine


jwxluvr: you can find the real author on tumblr their username is randomlifex.

jwxluvr: sorry for not posting a new chapter for a few days, I've been quite busy because of schoolwork's, and our school is having an event, so I might not publish a new chapter for a few days or weeks

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jwxluvr: sorry for not posting a new chapter for a few days, I've been quite busy because of schoolwork's, and our school is having an event, so I might not publish a new chapter for a few days or weeks. i'm very sorry🥹
pls be patient. I'll try to update as soon as the authors publish a new stories, again I'm sorry😭

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