The hell's he chucking for...?

"...Me, too?" Yu's eyes widen.

"Yes," he mumbles. "The four of us, that is."

"Hell no," I scoff. "This sounds like some sorta... double date. I'm out."

"Oh, come on," Kanji scoffs. "Senpai could do so much better than you."

"The hell did you say to me!?" I yell, rasing my arm.

"Yosuke, enough." Yu gently places his hand on my shoulder.

It's gentle, sure, but... Fuck, it feels so calming.

"Don't get all defensive," Kanji smirks. "We all know you're not gay."

"I'm not."

"That's what I said."

"Y'know what? Fuck you. You're nothing but a... pathetic excuse of a man, Kanji."

"That was unnecessary," Naoto remarks.

"Keep outta this," I snap.

"That so?" Kanji raises a brow. "What's Yu, then? Or... does he like girls, according to you?"

I ball my fist, my fingernails digging so deep that I can feel the blood ooze out. "Fuck off, Kanji."

"Kanji-kun, that's enough," Natoto groans. "Come on, let's just go."

"Kanji, what the hell is your problem?" Yu asks.

"You know what it damn well is," he replies. "And until you fix this... We ain't friends, Yu."

"Kanji," he whispers.

"C'mon, Naoto." He quickly ushers Naoto away, leaving me and Yu stranded on the floodplain.

"...You don't need him anyway," I say finally.

"He's a friend."

"A friend who just freakin' ditched you, man," I scoff. "Forget him."

"I have you," he whispers.

"Huh?" I blink for a second. "Y-Yeah, that's right. 'Course you have me."


I told Yu to lie down, but now he's completely flat out on my futon.

Can't blame him. It's been a shitty day.

I turn back to my desk, tryna get some homework done. But, I can't.

I turn on my chair, watching his eyelids flicker every so often.

He's in love with me.

Freakin' dumbass.

I still can't get my head around it. Why is he trying to act all normal? We both know how he feels.

Then again, I don't think I'd be able to handle it if he kept pressing on about his feelings.

Yu's not like that, though. He's private; reserved.

And I respect him. He respects me, too.

I blink myself back to reality as I notice him shuffle a little.

"Yu?" I whisper.

He's alseep, sure, but he's quivering. His breathing is heavy and his eyes are threatening to open. But he can't open them.

...Shit, he's having a nightmare.

I read in some manga that it's dangerous to wake someone up from a nightmare, but... I can't stand to see him suffer like this.

How Could You? (Souyo)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें