chapter 1

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"Look, I didn't want to be a Half-Blood."

"Being a Half-Blood is dangerous. It's scary."

"Most of the time it gets you killed, in painful, nasty ways."

"If you think you might be one of us, my advice is...turn away while you still can, because once you know what you are... they'll sense it too, and they'll come for you."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."




'My name is Percy Jackson, am I a troubled kid?'

'Yeah, you could say that.'

'Bad grade, bullies, all the normal stuff.'

'And then there's some other stuff. Some stuff that's...maybe not so normal.'

'That's me, back in second grade. Why was I up there? I saw something.'

'At least...I could have sworn I saw something.'

'When you say you saw something like that, you wind up in this guy's office. Good news, he's saying there's nothing to worry about.'

'It's all in my imagination. But if it happens again, make sure to tell someone.'

'It happened again.'

'These impossible things that felt like they walked right out of the stories my mom always told me. So real one minute, and then the next...'

'Hey, fellas, wanna come hear about the imaginary stuff I see? It's not a thing you wanna be saying, to anyone, so I didn't.'

'Then...something changed.'

'I met Grover.'

'we had a lot in common. And not just because we were both at the bottom of the food chain. And you know what? It felt good to talk about these things with Grover. I could almost believe they were imaginary. Weird, but harmless.'

'until the day that changed, too.'

'until the day one of them decided to come for me.'


So, after all the bullying and the getting pushed around by their classmates, Percy and Grover ended up at The Met, for once Percy could almost forget about the expulsions from his previous schools, the way he had to speak to professionals who told him that the things he saw were all in his imagination, even after seeing the Pegasus and the Colchis Bull with his own eyes, the way that he had no friends beside Grover who was bullied seemingly more than him, and surprisingly too, after all the trouble and hard work he could almost forget.


Why there were on a school field trip, he couldn't understand, it just seemed like more chance for something to happen, an easier target for the bullies to well...bully. especially with less teachers and no help from the school counsellors, not that they had any clue about that sort of thing anyway. But Percy was glad to he here in a way, he felt close to his mom, see this wasn't the first time he'd visited a museum like this.

They stood in The Met, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, more specifically the class had been lead into the museum's Greek and Roman galleries. It was a busy day in New York, at least outside the museum, people filing in and out, no one getting drunk from the food truck outside which sold coke drinks and a New York style hot dog, all for $1, he guessed that people were more interested in the stories inside.

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