Forgive You Anything

Start from the beginning

*A Few Minutes Later*

"Mm-hmm. Thank you. Thank you very much." Chief hung up the desk phone and turned to look at the couple waiting patiently in front of him. "Guys got the ball rolling. Rice is gonna join us for a shift. Trial run."

"That's great, Chief." Ana grinned.

"No, and don't worry. Rice is gonna bust his hump for us." Kelly assured, matching his wife's expression entirely.

"Okay. The older man rolled his eyes.

The couple laughed as they left the bullpen, passing Peter on the way out.

*Back in the Common Room: A Few Hours Later*

"Hey." Kelly grinned, shooting out of his seat at the round table upon seeing Scott Rice walk through the doors. "There he is. What's up, stranger?"

"What's up, man?" He smiled right back, holding his arms out for a hug before turning to a certain brunette who had followed her husband. "Hey, Ana."

"Good to see you again." She nodded, warmly, giving him an embrace of her own.

Scott shook hands with a few of the other firefighters before eventually landing on Herrmann.

"You know, I still got a scar from Lee Henry when he walloped me with a stick, last picnic." He smirked, making the other man chuckle as they hugged as well. "Right? That kid in juvie yet?"

"Nah, he'd bust out too quick." Herrmann joked. "I'm thinking more like San Quentin."

"Hey, nothing wrong with an ex-con in the family, right?" Scott shook his head. "You guys know about my aunt Francine. The one who held up the liquor store when she was 65?"

"Come on, man. Get out of here." Joe stared at him in disbelief.

"I've heard that story three times, at least." Capp groaned.

"Aunt Francine, she gets it in her head that she needs a little convertible Mustang, for her later years. I kid you not. She gets up one morning. She pulls the pantyhose over her head and. . ." Scott suddenly paused mid laugh, catching Chief's eye through one of the windows. "And, uh, you know, I'm gonna finish this later, guys. It involves a car full of Siamese cats and a drunken nun. I swear to God. You're gonna love it."

He picked up his duffle bag and began walking in the direction of the elder firefighter's office.

"Friendly guy." Matt remarked in Otis' direction.

"Indeed." Ana agreed, frowning slightly. "Were you expecting something else?"

"Let's just say Otis is taking the rumors a little too seriously." The blond rolled his eyes.

The brunette's lips formed an "ah" as she headed back towards the round table.

*A Few More Hours Later*

Ana and Kelly were seated near the end of the Long Table closest to the kitchen area, listening to the idle banter of their fellow firefighters, when Scott suddenly came up to them.

"Hey, you know who's working over at Chicago Med?" He inquired.

"Who?" The Lieutenant wondered.

"April Sexton." Scott revealed with a smirk.

The Captain recognized the name immediately, remembering back when her husband had first felt comfortable enough to open up to her about his younger days.

"April Sexton? Are you kidding me?" Kelly's face lit up instantly. "Man, I've been trying to track her down for years."

"Who is she?" Sylvie wwondered from the other end of the table.

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