the return of vanisher

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It took 20 hours to reach Huntington west Virginia and by the time they did harry was beyond relieved to get off the damn bus harry quickly located a restaurant to eat at because he was beyond hungry sitting down harry chewed his burger azula still in his arms there was no way he was putting her down until he knew for sure they were safe. Once he was done harry went outside pulled on his invisibility cloak jumped on his broom and flew just over the clouds to avoid any muggles from seeing him harry flew for a few hours until azula woke up again then he found a safe place to land and took her of her needs then he took to the air again this cycle repeated over and over again until harry reached the deepest part of the forest once there he landed and immediately began building the home that his daughter would grow up in. He dug up large parts of the ground and then transfigured trees to become the walls and summoned rocks to make the floors which when he was done looked very nice he made it a very nice four bedroom house. One room would be her bedroom when she was old enough to sleep alone the second room would be her play room the third room was his room and the last room would be his work room. As much as harry loved his daughter harry was an assassin by nature had been raised an assassin it was how he made his living and he enjoyed it so he would be continuing it. Plus he could have dobby look after her while he was working he frowned at that thought he hadn't made a space of dobby or kreacher for that matter. Harry looked around for a space to make a bedroom for his loyal house elves then made a second floor which would be the living space for the house elves harry didn't bother making stairs when the house elves could just pop into any space they wanted and it made sure that the up stairs was a space just for them. Next was the wards harry walked outside and walked for about a mile still carrying azula and began adding wards. Wards that would keep both muggles and dangerous animals and creatures out as well as a ward to keep his daughter inside them unless he was with her he even put up an ani wizard and witch ward to keep them from finding this place. Now his daughter would have a safe place to play and explore when she was older. With a mile in each direction she had plenty of room to be a happy care free child. She would even be able to do magic without fearing someone would see. Harry grinned pleased with himself there was even a shallow creek for her to have water play in. He walked back into the house and called for his elves "dobby kreacher !" The two house elves popped in both of their eyes widened at the sight of the baby "great Harry Potter did yous have a youngling?" Harry grinned and nodded "yes dobby kreacher this is azula." Kreacher came closer tilting his big ugly head "master harry wishes for kreacher to help take care of the youngling?" Harry nodded "yes dobby kreacher I would definitely like your help I have to go back to work soon as I haven't been able to work while pregnant and I surely can't take her on my jobs." Both house elves eyes widened they knew what happened when harry went more than  month without a job harry went a more than a little crazy and after a while started trying to kill anything that moved both house elves understood it was only the omega instincts of an expecting mother that had harry last this long. Kreacher reached out his arms and took azula from him "master harry must work. Kreacher will watch the youngling while master works." Dobby spoke up "dobby will help too! Little mistress will want for nothing with dobby around !" Harry smiled he knew both elves were more than capable after all harry had learned kreacher helped raise both Sirius and regulus and dobby had helped look after draco when he was but an infant himself. So both elves had experience with infants and children "all right so a few ground rules until she is at least 4 she is not to be left alone for any length of time you are also not allowed to punish yourselves in front of her ever. When she is a little older you have permission to stick her in time out if she does something wrong but any other punishments are to be done by me understand ?" Both elves nodded "yes master harry." "Dobby is most happy to understand this harry potter!" "Good now help me get this place ready for living in!" They were done in no time at all and harry looked around pleased the house had a nice homey feel to it with one wall covered in book shelves with comfy chairs facing the fireplace for comfortable reading the kitchen was done in themes of greens and blues giving it a comforting vibe. There was magical ivy growing on the walls and the rooms were done up harry had made azulas room slytherin colors not wanting her to lose touch with her heritage even if her father didn't want her. Harry's room was done up in Gryffindor colors to honor his Hogwarts years harry had heavily locked up his work room not wanting his daughter to wonder in there and see something she shouldn't of course he would tell her what he did for a living but not until she was old enough to understand such things. Her play room was done in flowers and animals that moved along the wall animals like deer rabbits little lizards that crawled on the flowers bees lady bugs that flew around with the birds  and even a few pretty spiders and of course snakes that slithered on the ground and the stone floor was charmed to always be soft and squishy so she wouldn't hurt herself overall it was a beautiful room one he was sure she would enjoy. After it was done he had kreacher bring her into the room her eyes followed the animals with clear wonder. Harry grinned happy she was enjoying her play room. There were baby toys both muggle and magical all over the room in all different age groups so she would always have something to play with no matter what age she was at least until she was about one to two then harry would have to get her new toys. Once he was sure everything was perfect harry prepared to leave giving kreacher and dobby some last minute orders and gave his  little fire flower a kiss on the forehead. It would be the first time he had left her since she was born two days ago but harry knew the longer he put it off the more dangerous it would be for everyone after all it was only the instincts of an expecting omega that had muted his other instincts for this long and harry could feel the urge surfacing he had to take care of this quickly. Harry aparated away to his bosss office in London he flung  the door open  and grinned "guess who's back from the dead!" His boss stared at him in shock "vanisher! Where in Merlin's name have you been boy?!" Harry smirked and put a finger to his lips "an assassin never tells." His boss sighed "your going to give me gray hairs boy."  "A bit late for that boss." Harry joked overjoyed to be back in the game his boss sighed "I sure hope you've come looking for work vanisher we have this one who no one can seem to get to stay dead." His boss threw him a hopeful pleading expression and harry laughed "when am i never up for a good hunt ?" His boss sighed with relief "thank merlin we've been trying to get this one for going on 4 months now." Harry grew serious "who is the target?" "A man named Johnathan Mattingly. We were hired after touched a little kid." Harry's eyes began glowing he was so angry and his boss hastened to explain "the ministry couldn't find enough evidence to convict as he never left any traces at the scenes but a father of one the victims contacted us and told us to kill him slowly and painfully the thing is the man seems he made a deal with something vanisher cuz the bastard just won't stay dead." Harry nodded "last known location?" "Knockturn alley" "photo?" His boss handed him a photo of the man harry committed it to memory and walked out of the office ready to kill this bastard. Somehow being a parent himself this was hitting different he couldn't help but see his daughters crying face and that bastard with his hands all over his princess harry had never felt fury like this in all his life and knew he would make the monsters death as painful as he could and harry knew a lot of ways to make a death slow and painful. It took about two hours but harry found the monster he was drinking on the side of the street harry didn't attack yet he needed to know what he was dealing with so he used mage sight an ability that allowed him to see the magic around him at once he saw the dark entity hovering around the man and recognized it a imzu a type of spirt that liked to touch kids and feed on their anguish but an imzu could only possess a dead body. This man had been dead for a long time harry could smell it. The spirit would find someone who was dying or recently deceased and make a deal with their soul if they let them use their body they promised they would have more time on earth using it's powers to bind the soul to the dead body and controlling it like a puppet on a string. Harry felt pity for the man he hadn't know what he was getting into when he made this deal now he was trapped in his own rotting body feeling the pain of dying over and over again without being able to pass on and was controlled by the spirit to hurt innocent people. Harry could see the man soul which was crying out in anguish begging to be released for this to end. Harry knew there was but one way to end this he had to burn the body a imzu didn't abandon the host body once it found it so the evil spirit would be burned to death as well. And there was only one type of fire that could kill this thing so harry walked over grabbed the man shoulder and aparated him to a empty city a city that had been abandoned for hundreds of years and cast the curse "freindfire!" The spirit shrieked as it burned with the body and the man's soul smiled at him as he vanished in the flames because not even a  Pure soul could survive that fire but he had ended his suffering. Harry put out the fire and aparated back to his boss's office pulled out the memory and showed it to him as proof the job was done his boss nodded and put the memory in a vile to show the customer to show him the man was dead once and for all. "Any other jobs for me to do ?" His boss nodded eagerly pulling out a file and grinning at him"have fun." Close to midnight harry had finished with four different jobs not including the first job five kills in one day not a bad days work. His boss was grinning as he handed harry his cut his rate was 300 gallons per kill so harry had made 1,500 gallons tonight not bad harry thought to himself as he left for home. Harry walked in the door and was greeted by dobby "welcome home harry !" Harry grinned and looked around "where are kreacher and azula ?" "Kreacher is takings good care of little mistress." Harry nodded and walked I to his room to see a sweetest scene kreacher was sitting on the bed singing to azula " the night is bright tonight little witch the wolves howl  while the spiders prowl the magic is calling so won't you come play with me oh to waste it would be tragic so come dance with me." Harry leaned on the door frame  arms crossed a soft expression on his face as he watched kreacher sing to his daughter. "That's beautiful kreacher." Kreacher startled looking up at him with a blush on his cheeks "it is old black song for younglings." Harry nodded and held his arms out for his daughter kreacher handed her to him if a little begrudgingly "it has been  long since kreacher has taken care of a youngling." Harry smiled when a thought came to him "kreacher what was your original purpose in the black home?" " Kreacher was to take care of mistress welburga and any younglings that come to the house of black." Harry's eyes widened kreacher was a nanny elf! No wonder kreacher was bad at cleaning his purpose to to take care of the children! "Kreacher.." he said slowly "why did Sirius hate you so much?" Kreacher looked down "kreacher couldn't stop mistress welburga...kreacher had to stand by his mistress or kreacher would have been a new head for the black family." Harry's eyes widened again it made so much sense now "why did you hate Sirius kreacher ?" Kreacher shook his head " kreacher never hate master  Sirius kreacher was disappointed with master Sirius... master sirus turned his back on kreacher master regulus master Orion mistress welbuga. He turned away from us. Kreacher was sad kreacher didn't want to see what master sirus had become." Harry sighed and nodded in understanding but kreacher continued "kreacher has seen it was never master sirus that was wrong but kreacher. Kreacher wishes to repent for what kreacher has done." Kreachers head was down and harry could see tears splashing on the floor "that is why kreacher tries to be a good elf for master harry and little mistress." Harry sighed and put and hand on the elfs shoulder "your being a great house elf kreacher now go get some rest." Kreacher nodded and disappeared with a pop and harry laid his daughter down in her bassinet and laid down himself to get some rest. Trying to ignore the ache that being away from his alpha caused harry only hoped it would fade with time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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