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// " 'Vincent, why aren't you dating anybody?' Rody questioned, Vincents eyebrows raised.


'I meant like,, uhm—' He hesitated, 'I meant.. you're a pretty cool guy and im just surprised on how you aren't really dating anybody yknow?'

'Im not to interested in dating. It's never really been my thing.' Vincent turned away, 'I've never been in love before.'

'Wha—WHAT??' Rody shouted, " //

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I actually quite like this chapter, mainly because idk its just fire 🔥🔥 no warning for this one, its decent snd plus this is the first chapter of this one-shot book so I don't just wanna hit you in the face with someone lmao

Anyways enjoy :)))

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Rody sat in Vincents apartment with his guitar, both of the men talking about the instruments they play. Apparently Vincent played a cello and Rody played the guitar. "Yknow, you see like the guy who would play a guitar.." Vincent crossed his arms over his chest staring at the red headed man picking up the guitar.

"Mmm, really?" Vincent nods, Rody chuckles softly. "You seem like the guy who would play the cello."

"A lot of people have said that,," Vincent bit his inner cheek, "why don't you play a song on your guitar?"

"Got any suggestions?"

Vincent would shrug, "No, just play whatever."

Rody nods letting out a sigh, "I'll play you one song I wrote for Manon." He would chuckle awkwardly as he got his guitar into position. He hummed the toon before finally starting to play.

Vincent smirked to himself, impressed with how well Rody played the Instrument. He watched as Rody's fingers moved swiftly along the strings. The man began to sing which made Vincent even more shocked, especially with how good his voice sounded.

A minute later Rody finally finished his song, looking up at Vincent smiling. "How did you like it?" He placed his guitar on the side of the couch they sat on. He rubbed his thighs waiting for a response.

"Im shocked." A tiny smirk would appear on the pale mans face. "It was very good, you could make a career out of that yknow?" This was Rody's first time hearing Vincent genuinely compliment him. "Instead of working at 28 jobs over the past couple years,, you could've become a singer or something."

"Ahh,, thats true.." Rody chuckled, his face flushed red as he rubbed the back of his neck. Compliments from Vincent made him get all flustered for whatever reason. "I would've if I had a band.. Manon played the flute but I don't know, flutes and guitars don't mix to well."

"I see." Vincent sighed. An awkward silence filled the room, up until Rody opened his mouth.

"Vincent, why aren't you dating anybody?" Rody questioned, Vincents eyebrows raised.


"I meant like,, uhm—" He hesitated, "I meant.. you're a pretty cool guy and im just surprised on how you aren't really dating anybody yknow?"

"Im not to interested in dating. It's never really been my thing." Vincent turned away, "I've never been in love before."

"Wha—WHAT??" Rody shouted, "Really?? Not even a high school lover or just I don't know anybody??"

Vincent did in fact like someone, the man that sat in front of him. Although, he couldn't just admit that straight up. The red head probably didn't even like him back. Vincent nodded, "Yeah no, nobody is really that appealing to me I suppose."

Rody frowned, "Awh man, that really sucks.. I can't imagine what it would be like not loving my beautiful girlfriend."

"Ex-Girlfriend." Vincent rolled his eyes in annoyance. He was jealous of that girl, how Rody would talk about her even when she was not around. For heaven sakes the women left him and he still doesn't stop talking about her.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Rody waved his hand around. "What about your love life now? Anybody you interested in?" Rody raised a brow. He wasn't sure how he felt about Vincent, he found him slightly attractive. He wasn't gay though, that would be weird. Vincent probably didn't like Rody like that so it wouldn't matter either way.

"Why are you so interested in my love life lamoree?" Vincent crossed his legs, watching the red head go silent. Why was he so interested anyways? His jaw clenched as he thought to himself.

"I mean.. am I not allowed to be? We are friends right?" Rody smiled awkwardly, Vincent chuckled softly.

"I guess so, I do get that question a lot though." Rody would've assumed so, girls always flock up to him. He saw why though and perhaps thats why Manon left him for Vincent. He didn't want to admit to snooping into Vincents office after his shifts, which is where he found out about Manon liking Vincent. The man was rich, he was attractive, he was perfect. "Is something wrong?" Vincent questioned seeing how Rody's demeanor changed drastically.

"No.." He groaned before letting out an exhausted sigh, "Yes."

"Whats the problem."

"Please don't get mad at me for this.. but, after one of my shifts I—I went snooping in your office and I found letters and pictures of you and Manon,," Rody bit his inner lip. "Were you, did you—"

"Eh.. im not that mad." He lied, he was very pissed. His eyes shut as he let out a huff, "Yes I was with Manon for a bit,, but I never liked her. She was to eh, how do I say this.. clingy."

"Oh, I mean how could she not like you. You're handsome, you're rich, you're so much better than me. You're basically perfect." Vincents eyebrows raised. Rody covered his face with his hands.

"Trust me, lamoree, I am far from perfect."

"No you're not.. you're the definition of it."

"If it makes you feel better, I believe you're so much more err,, greater than me if that makes any sense." Rody uncovered his face looking up at the pale man.


"You heard me," Vincents face flushed a light shade of red, "I mean you can taste, you sing perfectly and you can play the guitar, you're able to talk to people even if they seem to dislike you. I could go on, but we would be here for hours."

A small smile appeared onto Rodys face, "You really think that highly of me Vince?"

"Why would I not," Vincent chuckled. Rody began to play with his fingers feeling flustered from the praise his boss just gave him.

"You should smile more, it really suits you." Rody stated, he stood himself up dusting off his shirt. "I should get going,,"

"Mm, I suppose ill try and do that more." He added following Rody's actions. "Would you like something to eat before you go?" Vincent hummed strolling into the kitchen.

"That would be nice." Rody would shortly following after Vincent.

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Anyways that was a pretty short chapter
Yall make sure to leave suggestions and stuff down below 🗣️ next chapter coming out tmrw :))

I also imagined Rody playing "Everyone Adores you (at least I do)" I forgot who made it but I love that song, or a cigarettes after sex song


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