That Night-ACT I

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Cross Academy. The school I've been attending for a year now, yet I can never stop feeling uneasy there. Every time the sun goes down, walking in the corridors feels as if someone is watching me, watching my every move, my every breath. Even as a second-year student and as a person who doesn't believe in supernatural things, this school definitely has something wrong within it. Especially after that night, the night where I saw them... They who had eyes like the blood moon and skin glistening in the pale moonlight, glowing as if they're transcendent human beings.


I was walking down the hallway from the library and decided to gaze out the window to look at how pretty the moon was, entranced by how bright it shined that night. But as I looked out the window, I saw dark figures in the trees and bushes, which was quite suspicious as it was against school rules to be out late at night. I looked closer to the shadowy figures, not knowing what was in store for me nor knowing that it would change my perspective of life forever.

"What is that...?" I mumble to myself, feeling a twist start to form in my stomach. I saw 4 figures standing next to each other very closely, as if they were about to embrace one another. As I continue to watch, one of them starts to lean closer to one's neck and then... Licks it? Eh? Suddenly they bite the other's neck?! I let out a gasp, which causes the figures to turn my direction, which makes me duck down as fast as I can. 'What was that?! Why were they biting each other's necks, and why were their eyes glowing red?!!' I thought to myself, feeling uneasiness wash over me. I crawl over to where there weren't any windows, and dash to the corridor leading to the girls dormitory. The last thing I remembered that night was how red their eyes were and how they looked underneath the moonlight, skin luminescing from the illumination of the moon.


"-iko, Mariko! Are you going to wake up? You're going to be late for class..." I heard my roommate, Kurai, shout at me from across the room. 'Huh? What time is it?' I blink my eyes open and look at my nightstand where my alarm clock was at. It was 6:45?!? "Kurai!! Why didn't you wake me up sooner!!" I cried out while rushing out of bed and running to our bathroom. "Mariko.. I tried waking you up 5 times, one at 6, another at 6:10, then 6:20, 6:25, and then 6:30... And you still didn't wake up." Kurai said with an exasperated sigh. "Ack... Sorry Kurai... heh."

I start brushing my hair and teeth, while also checking the time simultaneously.

It wasn't until 6:57 did I truly know I was going to be late... Class started at 7:15 and the dormitory was 10 minutes away, but I usually get breakfast in the cafeteria which takes at least 5 minutes... 'I guess I'm going to starve..' I inwardly groaned at the thought of my stomach growling in class when it was pitch silent. I make my way out the door and look to see if I forgot anything, seeing that I didn't, I lock the door and leave to the main building where classes are held.


'Ah... I'm definitely going to be late..' I internally say, feeling tears start to stream down my face. As I'm sprinting down the empty halls, I turn the corner and suddenly feel myself face plant someone's chest... 'Eh??' I feel myself start to fall on top of them, but then they.. Shove me aside?? 'Ehhh??' I internally cry, feeling the thought that someone would rather me fall and hit the ground and not touch me. As I faceplant on the floor(not really, I stopped the fall with my arms...), I look up to see who exactly I bumped into and it turned out to be... one of the disciplinary committee members, Zero Kiryu....

A stoic nonchalant boy who was held back a year, though no one knew why, but some say it was to stay with the other member, Yuki Cross. She was the adoptive daughter of the headmaster, Kaien Cross, the one who founded this school and set up its structure to how it is now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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