>> chapter vii: ideas become reality <<

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Before I start the story I want to thank you all for reading and voting for this story! Invite your friends and get everyone to read this! I'm almost 3k and I really would like to give you something for that, so how about a SEQUEL? The story is almost over and maybe I'll write a sequel if I get 3k or even more, ok let me stop rambling and get on with the story.
"Grey, do you have any matches?" "Yea,why?" "I'm using your idea, that's why."
Ashley's POV
I grab the flare and go to the T-Rex cage. I hit the open button and light up the flare with Grey's matches.

"I hope this works," I whisper to myself.

The T-Rex roars as it looks at the flare. I start running and the T-Rex starts following me. I see the Hybrid and throw the flare at it. The flare hits the Hybrid and the T-Rex attacks the Hybrid.

The T-Rex wins the battle and walks away as the Hybrid dies. Everyone comes out of hiding and we wait for Owen and Claire to comeback with the Raptors. As we're waiting for them Zach pulls me aside.

"You kinda agreed to be my girlfriend if we made it out alive, so will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." He smiles at me then walks back and sits down with Grey and pats a seat next to him. I sit down and kiss his cheek.

Zach's POV
I finally see Owen and Aunt Claire. "

"Owen!" Ashley yells and runs to him.

"Hey there Little Raptor, where's the Hybrid?" He asks her.

"T-Rex, Blue, and The Mosasaurus." Is all she said.

"Where is the other Raptors?"She asked him. He gives her a sad look. "

"Oh No." She whispers.

He nods."I'm so sorry, Ashley." Aunt Claire put her hand on her shoulder.

"Don't you dare touch me!" She screamed. Then she ran. They gave me a look and I ran after her.

Hoped you enjoyed...

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