"Who are they Great Mother? Why did you lead us here?" They breathe quietly to themselves.

Jake and Izzy admired large and strange flower like pants that grew enormously and in a large number together. "It's so beautiful." Izzy said softly which caused Tsu'tey', Neytiri and Jake's hearts to pound in their chests. Jake touched one gently and it shrunk, disappearing into the ground. Jake gasped and Izzy smiled. Neytiri and Tsu'tey chuckled quietly to themselves seeing them recoil so easily.

Jakes topped and turned his body, checking on Grace. Seeing her and Norm still fine and next to the trees, he moved forward again, reaching for an even bigger version of the plant. He touched it again and chuckled this time as it recoiled into the ground. Izzy laughs happily.

Neytiri and Tsu'tey couldn't help but be amazed by this man and woman and the fascination they had with the simple flora.

Jake reached out and touched another one, making multiple in the field of flora close down and disappear.

Neytiri and Tsu'tey lifted their heads slightly over the branches guarding them and they gasped. They were seeing a herd of Hammerhead Titanotheres not to far away from the flora since they'd been known to use them as cover.

They were a large rhinoceros like creatures, and one was in the field with the man and woman. The herd wasn't to far away. Specially as this one roared like a trumpet at them it's cover disappeared. 

Jake and Izzy's relaxed bodies suddenly turned stiff seeing the unknown creature, while Grace and Norm came running towards them for aid. Jake pushed Izzy behind him and aimed his gun at the creature and Neytiri and Tsu'tey gasped quietly. No matter who they were, they weren't about to let Jake hurt the creature.

It was Jake's fault for disrupting the plants, making the creature defend itself. Neytiri and Tsu'tey raised their bows ready to stop him if needed to, not that his bullets could pierce the creatures hide. They lowered the bows as Grace approached, explained the creature to them.

"Don't shoot. Don't shoot, you'll piss him off." Grace assured Jake and Izzy through their com links. She and Norm hid behind a nearby tree. The Hammerhead trumpeted angrily and smashed it's hammerhead like trunk into the trees on either side of him.

"It's already pissed off Mom!" Izzy retorted and Jake held up the gun.

"Jake, that armors too thick. Trust me." Grace assured, also wanting to keep her daughter safe.

Reluctantly, Jake removed the gun from facing the creature, pointing it in the air instead. The creature still didn't back off and continued to thrash about its head, taking out some more of the smaller trees.

Neytiri and Tsu'tey ducked as one was lifted from its roots and thrown their way. They held tight to the tree they were in so they wouldn't get knocked out of it. 

"It's a territorial threat display, Jake. We can't move." Izzy explained from behind Jake. "Do not run, or he'll charge." Grace demanded.

"So, what do we do, dance with it?" Jake asked sarcastically.

"Just...hold your ground." Grace instructed them calmly.

The Hammerhead Titanotheres, scratched the ground with it's foot, growling and then began to charge at Jake with a large roar. Neytiri and Tsu'tey couldn't help but be nervous about what this strange man and woman would do. They didn't want them to die, nor to expose themselves either. But lucky for them, Jake's face scrunched up and instead of running away, he ran at the Hammerhead with a loud yell, waving is arms and making himself look bigger.

Izzy was worried as her braided hair fell over her chest. The Hammerhead trumpted in his face and slowly backed down, lowering it's feather's that surrounded it's head. Jake let out an amused laugh, glad that he didn't just die.

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