Chapter Seven

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Ezra hadn't just forgotten to mention the guests, he had forgotten about them entirely when he heard her scream. Now he wished he had sent them away and told them to come back later. He still could. I'm sure Tuku and Hika wouldn't mind--especially if they thought they might be doing the deed, but then Mira jumped up, and he watched as she turned bright red. He was afraid the moment was over.

"What guests?" She said frantically.

Ezra wished he hadn't said anything. But eventually, Tuku and Hika would have grown impatient and would have come inside, and Ezra wasn't sure how far Mira would have let that make out session go. He really didn't want anyone interrupting them their very first time being together.

"Do you remember Tuku?"

Her eyebrows shot up to the center of her forehead. "Why is he here?" She almost looked angry.

"He and the other supervisor come to check on the pairs after a few days to check up on them. I can send them away though, I just didn't know..." His sentence trailed off.

"No," she said, shaking her head. She looked away from him, as if upset with herself. "Just let me get dressed."

Ezra nodded, gathered to his feet, and decided to change his shirt too, since it was soaking wet now. He grabbed the first shirt in the closet and yanked off his, pulling on another one as he headed out the bedroom door, leaving Mira behind.

As soon as he was gone, she cursed under her breath. What was she thinking?

She grabbed a yellow sundress and threw it on quickly. She went back into the bathroom and dried her hair the best she could with the towel, and then looked at herself in the mirror.

"You agreed to this," she said to herself. "Stop being such a baby," she scorned herself. Then she took a deep breath and made her way into the living room, and then outside on the porch.

Tuku and his companion sat on the orange cushioned seats on the front porch, talking to Ezra about something in their language. It was the first time she had ever really heard it before, and it reminded her slightly of Italian, though there were a lot more Z sounds in the words.

"Mira, hello," Tuku said, getting to his feet. "Are you okay? Ezra told us you fell."

"Yes, I'm okay. Just a bump on the head," she laughed under her breath, then looked at the companion. The Jayku was the first female she had seen in real life. She was slightly shorter than the men, but she had markings and that off color hue tint to her olive skin tone. She smiled at Mira, and Mira couldn't help but admire her beauty. She was a wider build then she expected, but she had very narrow features in her face, and curves in all the right places underneath her pink button up shirt and her jeans. It looked so strange to Mira, an alien wearing jeans.

"Hi, Mira, my name is Hika. We are just here to check up on you and Ezra and make sure everything is going well."

Ezra and Mira's gazes met, and she wanted to laugh considering they had just been making out in the bathroom a few minutes ago. "Yeah, everything is fine."

"Great," Hika said, nodding. Tuku pulled something out of his pocket that was the size of his palm, and wrote something on it with his finger. Mira tried to get a better look at it, but then Hika asked her next question.

"Have you two had intercourse yet?" She asked, almost making Mira choke on her own spit.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I know this question seems a little personal, but it is stated in your contract that you give us any information about your sexual activities while on the planet. We need to know for your safety, and for our records to make sure you are holding up your end of the bargain."

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