Power System - emuy - non power characters power system

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1. If a character can't use Yume they use emuy Wich is the reverse of Yume as it is aura

2. Aura: aura is very important as that is the Soul Energy within us

2. Forms of Aura: there are multiple forms of Aura, Control Aura, Dense Aura, Soul Aura, Normal Aura, Area Aura, Domain Aura. Those aura's are variations to use and master

3. Control Aura: this aura lets you control the body and blood just from your aura control

4. Dense Aura: this is a very Dense Aura it tends to hurt the user when used but it doubles the damage each hit but also hurting you more

5. Soul Aura: soul aura is very different from other Aura's as it directly uses your imagination and soul to attack, heal and defend

6. Area Aura: Area Aura is very unique as this aura lets you control the area such as the bugs and ground

7. Domain Aura: Domain Aura lets you control every single thing that is caught in your Domain Aura

3. Aura is very complicated for the user but is easily explained as it is a very simple concept but very hard to use

4. Why you can't use Yume: if you can't use Yume that means you have power restriction take Tori for example he is a emuy as he can't use Yume

5. The contrast of Yume and emuy: Yume can't use aura while emuy can

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