No! Tae!! *yoongi says and opened the door and run to him* don't leave here alone!!

What?! Are you afraid that you will be alone here?... *taehyung asks and turn around and look at the kid...*

Alone here on your company?! *yoongi says and shocked how taehyung gonna leave her here?* really like to play victim, don't you?  *taehyung roll his eyes and he grab Yoongs by her shoulder and push her inside the room again closing the door.. .. he lock the door and just stay there as he wait for Yoongs to say something...*

Tae!! Take me back to home don't leave me here!! *yoongi says and banged on door*

*taehyung just sigh and let the kid bang the door...he is just watching the kid with a serious face as he just wait for the kid to calm down...taehyung is not gonna move a single muscle...he just need to keep the kid here.*

*soon yoongi stops there was no noise it was sign that she was up to something*

*taehyung hear the silence and he feel like the kid is up to something now...he was, he just stand in front of the door not even moving a single arm...and he just stare at the door...waiting for the kid to open it or make the first move...*

*still no hear or sign of yoongi*

*taehyung just stands there waiting...he will not open the door...he is too stubborn for this...and he has no intention to talk with the kid right now...he will wait until Yoongs make the first move...*

*still nothing*

*taehyung starts getting anxious not knowing what the kid is doing right now...but still he decides to continue waiting in he feel uncomfortable...and even more as now he was feeling the urge to go to the restroom...*

*still nothing*

*after a few minutes, taehyung is still in front of the door as he keep staring at it...he is getting more and more anxious and uncomfortable...he is also starting to wonder if Yoongs is still there to...he doesn't hear anything...but, if Yoongs left...he would have heard her So, he ask...*

...Yoongs...? You there?  *he say with a serious voice as he still stare at the door...*

*still nothing*

*taehyung roll his eyes as soon as he see it is quiet again...he is also getting uncomfortable with the silence...he keep staring at the door for a few minutes and then, he get the courage to say a little louder...*

...kid...I know you are inside there...if you know what is best for you...just answer me...

*he was not yelling...but, his voice sound more firm this time...and he look like he is starting to lose his patience with the kid after a few minutes of silence...*

*still nothing*

*taehyung sighs... he is starting to get really annoyed and finally, he bang the door hard and yell the kid name...*

...YOONGS...!!! *he yell loudly and he looks at the door as he wait for the kid to answer...*

*there was some running steps foot around the room then taehyung unlock the door and goes inside*

*taehyung just stare at the open he was really mad and pissed at the kid...he walk inside the room and he go close to Yoongs...who was hiding herself under the table now...and taehyung just get mad at the kid...*

...what do you have to say this time?!...*he say with anger in his voice, and he point his finger at Yoongs...*

What? *yoongi says and looks at him*

"You---" *taehyung was cut by yoongi*

U pushed me inside there and didn't opening the door for me *yoongi says and staying on her place under table*

*taehyung sigh and sit down...and he say with a slightly annoyed voice...*

...kid, you are not innocent here... I pushed you there because I thought---*sigh*
...come on now, stop playing the victim and come to my lap wanted me so much to be with, come here...

Yay! *yoongi crawls to him and sat down on his lap*

*taehyung just sigh as he feel the kid body on his, Yoongs is back to where he belong...and now, he can't leave Taehyung alone...*

...kid, do you know how much I want to just yell at you now and slap the hell out of your body?...but, I'm going to be nice to you just because I'm in good mood and I want to take some sleep on my bed after work... *he said with a glare*

How can you slap someone as cute fragile soft as like me taehyung? *yoongi says and flips her hair*

...kid, I'm not going to slap you, because you are really fragile and soft...
*taehyung say this and now, he is starting to get more comfortable of Yoongs's presence in his lap... he just smile and he put the kid face over his shoulders*, you are so fragile and soft, huh?...*he whisper to the kid...*

I am *yoongi says and curls up on on his lap and looking at taehyung cutely with her kitten eyes*

*taehyung see the kid curls up on his lap and he feel so comfortable to have him the kid have his pretty eyes at him. So, he caress his hair more and play with his hair softly as his face turn into his cute kitten face.*

*taehyung smile and his face look at the kid's face and he hug him more... his eyes is full of tenderness and care now...and soon, he start to kiss Yoongs forehead while he is talking softly...* are, you better know how valuable you are...

Ummmm ik meanie oldie man *yoongi says and chuckles sheepishly* let's go home

*taehyung chuckle a little as he notice how Yoongs call him a meany oldie man...but, he just let the kid call him in that way as he know the kid is just joking right, it's okay for him.*

Yeah kid, we better go home... *he say and stands up as he carry Yoongs in his arms as he walk in the hall way...*

*soon, they reach the apartment and Taehyung take the kid inside as yoongi jumps off and running around the house*

HOME SWEET HOME!! *yoongi says and jumped on couch and laying on*

*taehyung rolls his eyes as he see yoongs lying down in the couch...he just shake his head and he walk to their shared room and go lay down on the bed...after he lay down he close his eyes and try to take a nap now...*

Are you sleeping? *yoongi says and she suddenly showed up*

*taehyung turn his head to look at Yoongs...his eyes opened widely and his face turn to a frown...*

You scared the hell out of me, just sneak up into my room like that...?! *taehyung say softly and he is trying to keep his voice calm...he have no intention to yell at the kid right now...*

Not your room it's our room *yoongi says and jumps on bed*

*taehyung he remember why he is mad at the kid in the first place...she is a little brat*

...right now stop annoying me I'm trying to take a nap *he say softly.*

Why? *yoongi says and sat down looking at him*

*taehyung look at her and his face turn annoyed* really have so much time to annoying me...don't you?...why can't you just go watch TV instead of coming here to my room...

*he ask in a irritated and tired tone...his voice get a little louder now...*

Okay I'll go now *yoongi says and walks out as taehyung sighed in relief*

*taehyung finally close his eyes again and feel a little relief once yoongs is out to the room..he tries to fall back to sleep.*

it was that moment taehyung didn't know he made a big mistake for saying this....


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