3rd Month: Chapter 27

Magsimula sa umpisa

May - yeah sure also what was your name again?

MUP- Just call me

May- ??

*Messaging ends*

maybe their phone ran out of battery

still wondering what their name is

kinda so I can change it in my contacts

maybe I'll know when I'm on that picnic with them

Pacifica's POV

it has been a few days since me, and Dipper went to the store, and we were just building the crib we got for the baby

"Just half a year to go," I said to him

"What to build the crib...pacifica I think we'll be done by this afternoon"

"I meant this child, not the crib,"

"Oh.. Anyways, where's the screwdriver?"

I gave Dipper the screwdriver

"ok see were nearly done," I said to him

"Pacifica, we driled the screw the other way round."

"Oh, how did we do that?"

"I don't know,"

"ok, I'll unscrew it, and you can -


"Wait. that's my phone. "

I went to my phone and picked it up it was a friend of mine from school

*ON call with friend*

"Hey, how are you?" I asked them

"I'm fine, but could you come over quick?"

"umm sure any reason?"

"uuh, it's better if you just come here,"

"ok, I'm on my way,"

*Call ends*

"Hey Dipper, I need to go now,"

"Where do you have to go?"

"A friend needs help,"

"ok, but cone back quick. we still need to build this,"

"Yeah, I'll be like an hour,"

I left the house and made sure I had my keys and emergency bag

... my friend never classified what the issue was

Mabels POV

it was Friday, and I went over to the picnic place where I said me and the mysterious umbrellaless person were going to meet

"Guess I got here first...hope I don't get stood up again"

luckily I didn't cause I saw the person from a distance away

I noticed by their hair it was a faded purple colour

"Hey, I'm Mabel...well, you already know that."

"Hi, im Sage."

finally, I know their name

"Oh, you have a nice name," I said to her

"Thanks, kinda weird cause my hairs a purple colour."

"we'll at least I can change my contact for you instead of mysterious umbrellaless person."

"Haha, probably the only time someone's actually had a funny name in their contacts for me...one time it was just girl."

"Wow, anyways, nice to see you again,"

"Yeah, how are you from? I guess 2 months now,"

"I'm fine,"

"Were you waiting for someone at the restaurant?"

"umm no I...well yeah I had a date, but they stood me up,"

Sage then pulled out her phone and showed me an image of their past relationship

"This was my past boyfriend, and he stood me up like a ton of times,"

"Wow, I feel bad for you," I said to Sage

"Yeah, men do that. Honestly, I never saw myself having a deeper relationship with him, but hey, wanna go get some drinks at a nearby cafe?"

"Yeah, sure," I said

we went to a nearby cafe and got some smoothies

"You know my friend Pacifica got a new blender, and she literally makes the best smoothies," I said to Sage

"Oh, is this the one that was at the restaurant?"

"Yeah, you said you saw her at the shops,"

"Ah, the one with the brunette boyfriend,"

"Yeah, Dipper, he's my brother."

"I'm glad she didn't get stood up at the restaurant," Sage told me

"Yeah...Pacifica's pregnant, by the way, so I doubt she would get stood up."


"I thought you knew."

"honeslty, when I saw them, I only saw the guy, not the girl, sorry."

"it's fine...hey I gotta go know see you another time?"

"Yeah, sure," Sage said

we then parted ways

I eventually made it home and opened my laptop to see a bunch of emails from work

"Boring,boring,boring," I said to myself

as soon as I made a decision on that offer, I'd probably know where to go with my life, but for now

I'll settle for it going slow



writers note

as you can see, I'm posting every day until I wanna say the 9th of Feb

I have ideas planned for each month

but yeah, then I'll continue posting every few days or so



When We're OlderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon