Unavoidable Destiny

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(Egil-Norse One who commands respect or strikes fear into his enemies)

(Kaari-Norse Rare excellence, Precious Stone.)

Here I sit on the train, heading back home after a long day at work. Looking out the window and watching the passenger get on and off. I'm trying to not focus on the constant humming I feel as I watch life happen. I am one of a small handful of Fae in the world of humans. I am Sophia to the humans, but to the Fae I am Kaari.

I am two stops away from my destination, when suddenly I feel a familiar vibration around the train. I look around outside on the platform and I look around in the carriage. I am desperate to find the person, I haven't felt the energy of another Fae since my parents died.

I feel the energy hitting me in the back, I stand up, and turn around I come face to chin with what I was seeking out. I look up and staring back at me are two tri-colored blue eyes. The tri-colored blue I have only heard about in stories, but I know that only high court Fae have tri-colored eyes. I step back to see the whole face, but I was disappointed because the rest of the face was hidden behind a skull inspired balaclava. I look back down.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to stare." I whisper. I bow my head slightly, keeping eyes lowered. "It has been so long since I have felt the energy of another of our kind that I was excited to find you." I say.

The masked man looks down at me "What is your name?" He asks.

"I go by Sophia in the human world, but to our kind I am Kaari." I whisper. The man nods. "To the humans I am Lieutenant Brian Stafford, call sign Shade but to your kind I am Egil ." He responds.

"You are in the military?" I ask. He nods his head. "I am in a special task force because I possess a certain skill set." He answers "

I nod but keep my eyes lowered. I feel his energy thrum through me causing me to look up at him eyes wide.

"That's better." he says, a smile has touched his eyes. I smile back.

"Perhaps we can get dinner sometime?" he asks grabbing my hand. I can feel his energy tingle along my skin. He turns my hand palm up and traces a symbol into my hand. "This is the symbol of Fenrir, You can use it too contact me whenever you need." He says.

"Thank you...."I say.

The announcement over the train's PA system pulls I back to reality. "Oh, excuse me Brian, this is my stop." I turn around and grab my belongings, but he stops me and raises my hand to his masked lips and he places a light kiss on them.

"Egil." he says into them. I nod,

"It was nice to meet you Egil." I say slipping my hand from his, grabbing my stuff and rush out the door. I can feel his eyes on me as the train rolls down the track.


A few weeks have gone by, but I have not forgotten about Egil. I am sitting around reading my book when my palm begins the tingle causing me to look down and it is glowing an ice blue. I put my other hand over the glow and close my eyes, and Egil's face comes to mind. I feel a flare of energy, and then a knock come at the door causing me to jump. I look down at my palm, the glow stopped. I get up from the chair and walk over to the door, I look out the peep hole and I see that it is Egil on the other side. I open the door and look up at him and smile.

He leans his forearm on the door jam and looks down at me. "Would you like to come in?" I ask as I feel my cheeks heat up. He nods and I open the door wider and he steps in. "Please, have a seat." I gesture to one of the over stuffed chairs. He moves past me and over to the chair and eases himself into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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