Chapter 14: War Games

Start from the beginning

"Everyone has been divided into nobles and commoners. A commoner's plate is worth one point, a noble's is worth five, and a king's is worth ten. The team that earns the most points wins. If all a team's plates are broken, the battle ends.

You must pay close attention to the ranks. People of the same rank fight as equals. A king can break a noble's plate, but he cannot break a commoner's.

Nobles can break a commoner's plate, but they cannot break a king's. Commoners can break a king's plate, but they cannot break a noble's. Those whose plates are broken become prisoners, and may be revived only once by receiving spare plates from their allies.

Breaking the ranking rules or deliberately hitting something other than a plate with your sword will result in instant disqualification. Play safe and fight hard"

In the blink of an eye the battle had begun and ended with General Guen-Tae winning. Because of this Chishin decided to throw a party in honour of the win. The next morning Geun-Tae and the King were once again having tea.

Guen-Tae sat silently which the young King noticed "What's wrong, General Geun-Tae? What are you upset about?" Guen-Tae sighed "Why did you come here, King Soo-Won? All you did was wander around the castle, have tea with my wife, and frolic about at a festival" he said placing his tea cup down "General Geun-Tae, you're starting to sound like General Ju-do" both Generals froze before yelling in union "Don't compare him to me!"

'I thought I sensed something in this king, but was I wrong?'

"General Geun-Tae! General Guen-Tae!!" Guen-Tae turned to his wife running towards him "what's wrong?" "It's incredible" "What is?" "Some merchants from the Kai Empire want to buy my tea" "Your tea? You mean this smelly tea? It isn't smelly!"

"It isn't smelly! It has a floral fragrance! The people of the Kai Empire love fragrant, floral teas" "Seriously?" "But what will I do? My tea garden is too small to supply the Kai Empire" before Guen-Tae could speak, the young King cut in.

"As long as you gradually expand, you'll be fine. Instead of selling large amounts cheaply, if you market it as a high-quality specialty tea of Chishin, people will come to this city. The more difficult something is to acquire, the more desperately people want it" "Yes, King Soo-Won" Yuno said slightly bowing. "General Geun-Tae!"

"Old man Hi-Dae, what's wrong? Did the udo mines collapse again?" "No, it's not that. We don't have enough workers" Geun-Tae looked at the old man surprised "We're so busy" "Busy?" "Remember the stones you wore to the mock battle?" Guen-Tae nodded "We received an overwhelming number of orders for them"

"Huh? That's impossible. Those stones hardly even worth anything" "That's why no one thought they had any value until now. However, after our artisans polish them, we realised they're quite beautiful. More than anything, they're the stones of victory that you wore when you won. Of course everyone wants them. I've already got my own" the Old man said showing his wrist that wore a jewelled bracelet.

"Why would you wear that?" "Doesn't it look cool?" "How pretty. I want one, too" "Old man Hi-Dae I'd like one, too!" This will have a great effect on our economy!" meanwhile, Guen-Tae hadn't noticed that the young King and the Sky General had left as he continued talking to his wife "Anyway, Yuno, you're amazing"

"Why?" "While I wasn't watching, you negotiated with the Kai Empire and discovered a valuable jewel" "I didn't do anything. I simply served tea to a guest introduced to me by the king. I chose your outfit, but the king suggested you wear the stones"

Guen-Tae's mouth fell open before he turned to his men "Where's the king?!" "The king left awhile ago" "He left? Unbelievable" Guen-Tae headed to the entrance of Chishin.

'He really left. I knew it. That pretender lost intentionally! Everything he did was for this purpose. The war games, his visits to the tea garden's and mine, everything For a boy so young, that was damned interesting!'

" Chishin's going to be rich!"

'I wasn't wrong about his eyes. He pretends to be weak, but his eyes burn with unfathomable heat. In some ways, he is more terrifying than Lord Yu-Hon. He's a promising man. Can I place my hope in him? Well, it'll all become clear when I go to see him eventually'

Guen-Tae made his way back inside and made his way to his room. It was there he noticed an envelope sitting on his table. He made his way over and opened the letter, confused on what it could be about.

Dear Guen-Tae,
I apologies that I couldn't tell you face to face, for it was too hard
But it is with great sadness that I write this letter to tell you that
Former Earth Tribe, General Yuri has died. It was found out over
A month but I could find no easy way to tell you. I hope that over time
This information will be easier to accept.
Kind Regards,
King Soo-Won.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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