McQueen and (Y/N)

Start from the beginning

His gaze began to follow the waterfall down to a long bridge that crossed right in front of it, so close that it practically kissed the rushing water of the falls. There, on that bridge, was you in your car. McQueen was close enough to have a good, clearly vide of you through your windshield and windows. You had such a peaceful look on your face, a relaxed smile tugging at your lips and your hair slightly flowing behind you from the wind being let in from your open windows. He watched as the world seemed to go in slow motion, you in front of the brilliant sparkling waterfall, watching as you slowly dragged your eyes over to look at him as a warm, loving look was sent his way.

A furious blush rose to his cheeks at the immense emotion held in your gaze, all directed at him and for him, and all he could do was send an awkward smile back. You laughed at his reaction and continued down the road. McQueen quickly sped up to you, and from there it was like a lively dance. Your cars swayed along with not just the flowing road but with each other, continuously shifting around one another in a circle where you would lead first, then you would fall behind as he passed on before ultimately passing by him once more. It remained like this through the zigzag of curves ahead, which let you know that the drive was near its end.

You sped into the lead one last time and into the final bend, coming to a gradual stop at the end in front of a large wheel-shaped building carved into the mountainside. Your car coasted to the overlook, where you parked your car in front of a log laying on its side, marking that no car should go any further. Turning the car off and slipping out, you began to walk towards the building just as McQueen came around the corner. He parked his car by yours and slipped out as well, jogging over to you.

"Wow! What is this place?" McQueen breathed out in awe.

"This is Wheel Well." You replied. "Well, it was, anyway. It used to be the most popular stop on sixty-six."

McQueen inspected further, looking at all of the rust and even the entirely missing gas pump that seemed to have been ripped right out of the plate, leaving nothing but rested bolts and wires. Empty cans and car parts were scattered everywhere, and the place was flooding with annoying, pesky gnats. "This place?" He questioned you.

"That's what Sally told me." You said with a simple shrug. "She wasn't around when it was lively, though, but I do believe her."

"What about you? Did you see it?"

"Oh, no, no!" You said with a small laugh that was mixed with a playful scoff. "That was many, many years ago. I'm not sure I was even alive then."

"I see." McQueen mumbled in response.

"I think it would've been nice to see it the way Sally gushes about it, though." You said with a forced smile, putting your hands in your hips as you looked up at the towering building. "Honestly, I wish I could've seen the whole town the way it used to be."

"You mean it wasn't always like this?" McQueen tilted his head curiously.

"Of course not." You merely smiled at his ignorance. "No town is built to look so sad and desolate right off the bat!" Turning to him and meeting his gaze, you took a chance and grabbed his hand, leading him back over to your cars.

"W-Wait! But what happened?" He asked, concerned why you were dragging him back to his car. He wasn't quite ready to leave. You seemed to have a lot more left to say, and this could be his only chance to have some alone time with you to really be able to learn more about you.

"This happened." You answered him once you reached the cliffside, disgust and even a little contempt lacing your words. You pointed out across the expanse below.

McQueen first looked down to take in what rested in the valley at the base of the mountains he currently stood on. He saw a breathtaking view of the vast desert expanse, full of grand mountains and canyons. In the middle of it, resting peaceful, was little ol' Radiator Springs. "Whoa... Look at that!" He then followed your gaze to see the Interstate full of bustling vehicles trying to get from point A to point B. It was perfectly nested on the other side of some hills and mountains. Even the waterfall was hidden from sight due to the inward curve of the mountains around it, shielding it off from the rest of the world. "Look, they're driving right by! They don't even know what they're missing!" He pointed out.

Human!Lightning McQueen x Reader (Title TBD)Where stories live. Discover now