The guys stopped walking for a moment, and told me that we need to take pictures for today, so I got no choice but to agree. One thing Anton and my brother love to do, is capturing moments, it explains why we're  now on the side of the street, doing a mini photoshoot.

After taking pictures, we finally walked towards Anton's car so that we can finally go home. And I've been itching to bake with Anton tonight. That's like one of the most cutest thing a guy and a girl can do together.

We played rock, paper and scissors when we were inside of Anton's car to know who's playlist will be played during the ride, and thank heavens I won since I wanted to play Ribs by Lorde as we drive through the night.

"Now, that's a vibe." Anton commented when he heard the familiar intro.

"It feels so scary getting old!" we all sang, the car's windows were also down so the cold wind was hitting our faces as we sing our lungs out.

"It feels so scary getting old! I want them back, I want them back! The minds we had! The minds we had!"

"You're the only friend I need," Sungchan sings.

"you're the only friend I need," Anton and I would sing after.

"Sharing beds like little kids, and laughing 'til our ribs get tough"

"But that will never be enough!" Indeed, Lorde was right, it will never be enough. 

It was almost 9 PM when we finally arrived, and our parents' car was already parked inside, so we all hurriedly went inside to tell them what happened earlier with our Aunts.

"She did what? God, she'll never change. From now on, don't ever let them go back here." Our father was furious after he heard the story.

"I'm sorry you have to endure all that, sweetheart." Pa told me, before giving me a hug, and he also extended his arm so that Ma and Sungchan can join, but what shocked me was when I saw my dad also pulling Anton in for the group hug. I laughed a little when I saw Anton's shock face when he realized that he was also joining the hug.

After the hug, our parents excused themselves since they said they were already too tired but they reminded us that we needed to clean , while Sungchan also said he already wanted to rest as well, so I told him that I'll just give him cookies once they're ready.

"This is why you're my fave sister," Sungchan joked, even giving me a side hug, so I elbowed his hip.

"That's because I am your only sister. Now, get lost." I shooed him, while I drag Anton with me towards the kitchen so we can finally start.

"I have never ever tried to bake, so I am sorry in advance." Anton told me as he gets the ingredients I am jotting down.

"It's fine. Besides, I am here to teach you. And thanks for agreeing, I have been dying to find someone who'll bake with me besides the girls and Ma. Sungchan would bake sometimes, but he's also busy with football." I explained while I get the flour from the cup boards and the chocolate chips from our refrigerator.

"Sungchan hyung knows how to bake?" he asked, shocked, and I could only nod my head with a smile on my lips after remembering the chaos this kitchen had when Sungchan first tried baking together with me and Ma.

"He's no pro, but he bakes good cupcakes." I told Anton, before I mixed the eggs I already whisked with the flour.

While waiting for my orders, Anton played some mellow music, and I also ordered Alexa to lower down the light in the kitchen to have a warmer vibe while we bake. Right on time, the rain poured outside, making the vibe even more cozy.

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