Readers Discretion

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This story is a dark lesbian romance and will contain scenes readers may find unsettling and uncomfortable.

The trigger warning is as follows:

This story contains very strong language from the offset, this is a story about abuse, neglect, loss, and descriptive mental health struggles such as:

-Suicidal Thoughts,
-Sexuality Struggles,

This story will also contain:

-Sexual Themes,
-Sexual Acts,
-Strong Descriptive Violence,
-References to Sexual Abuse,
-References to Animal Abuse,
-Discrimination towards Sexuality, Race, Gender, and Other topics that others may find offensive.

Any characters mentioned herein by reference are entirely fictitious and have been created entirely by myself, some references from other characters may have been made.

The events, characters, and storyline portrayed throughout this book are completely fictitious, any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, along with many similarities to other storylines are purely coincidental and unintentional.

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