Chapter 5 - I am wrong?

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Bergens have been predators of trolls for a long time, well, at least it felt like a long time. 20 years since they escaped, but only three years have they spent being frightened by the Bergens and providing food for them.

Why? Well, they believed that eating a troll would make them happy, after all, they are unhappy beings who cannot feel happiness, and eating trolls made them happier.

Why? That's still a question. When did it start? the trolls didn't know, they only knew that the bergens were dangerous and would do anything to eat them.

"There has to be another way", Poppy asked herself mentally, looking at her scrapbooks that retold the story of trolls from the earliest times, not one of the books had the answers, leaving the troll frustrated and sighing in frustration.

She looks out the window, seeing the wall being modified by construction trolls, probably at Viva's command. Poppy stares at the floor, she is grounded, very grounded. Viva had sent Grassly to warn Poppy of her punishment of not being able to leave her pod until further notice, and this only made Poppy even more upset.

In one of the town's parks, the snack pack met to discuss what they had heard last night.

"Do you guys think what Poppy said is true?" Biggie asks, holding Mr. Dinkles against his chest, he sounded a little nervous, but when doesn't he sound nervous?

"Yeah, like, a Bergen? What's Bergen doing away from Bergen Town?" Chenille questions raising an eyebrow, her sister just silently agreed using nail polish.

"My troll, I'm too bright to die!" Guy positioned his hand above his head dramatically. Cooper arrives next to them, placing some cupcakes on the table.

"That's what Guy said..." Cooper smiles for a few seconds in silence before opening his mouth again, "what are we talking about again?" He folds his eyebrows with a confused smile. Guy grunt facepalming, shoving his face into the table.

"Not a good time for this..." Guy grunted. Cooper just looks at him and shrugs, eating one of the cupcakes.

"We should see if Poppy is ok..." Smidge looks towards Poppy's pod, "She must be really bored in there and can't go out..." the smaller girl sighs, laying her chin on the table.

"Do you guys want to see Poppy too?" Everyone looked behind them, seeing that Creek was approaching them, palms pressed together. "I was a little worried when I didn't see you recently, last night wasn't..." he looks to the side, "as great as I expected..." he clears his throat, recovering his posture, "So I thought about doing a visit to her, what do you think?" he says with a reassuring smile.

Everyone looks at the rock troll, silent but apparently agreeing, everyone gets up and joins Creek and starts to go to the pop.

"Wait a minute, guys!" Cooper throws all the dumplings into the air and eats them as they fall, following the group right after.


Viva was pacing back and forth trying to force what happened last night out of her head. Clay watched her from outside the hollow of the tree, a touch of concern on his face and some dark circles under his eyes.

"Mister Clay?" he almost jumps when he hears Grassly next to him, the smaller troll takes a step back at his surprise, leaving him to sigh.

"Don't scare me like that Grassly, what's wrong?" He composes himself, rubbing his eye lightly. The troll raises an eyebrow at him.

"She won't like knowing you didn't sleep." it puts him in a nervous state.

"I-I'm not nervous!" he tries to hide it with a forced smile but the troll just frowns, crossing her arms at him. "Look, she's already dealing with worse, she doesn't need to worry about me at the moment..." he looks to the side, hands on his arms almost touching his shoulders, his expression distant and melancholic. The green troll stares at him for a few seconds and sighs.

Trolls(Never Apart AU) - Bluer skiesWhere stories live. Discover now