Aether:But left unchecked.

Yukong:They won't be.

"What are you planning, kid?"Kiran asked with a brow raised, sensing as if Aether had a plan onscreen. Aether (HSR) chuckled and crossed his own arms.

"If I knew, I would have told you."

"Like you always do."Kiran chuckled and patted his shoulder with an amused grin. Their bond is stronger than anyone could possibly fathom.

[Yukong pulls out a file pocket and places it on the table. Aether reaches for it but Yukong holds onto it]

Yukong:General Varka pulled out the files you asked for. What is this about?

Aether:A task force.

"I see what you're trying to do here, kid - not a bad idea in the slightest bit."Kiran said, nodding when he heard what Aether had in mind onscreen.

Aether (HSR) then expressed his onscreen counterpart's idea as if he understood what his counterpart was planning to do," If we're gonna fight threats, then maybe we should form a task force of our own."

"That makes a helluva lot of sense, kid."

Jing Yuan hummed," A task force? Not a bad idea."

[Yukong shook her head]

Yukong:We already have enough loose ends.

Aether:And I will tie them.

Yukong:I can fund assets, not outlaws.

[Aether then her a small stare]

Aether:Enjoy the tea then.

"Well that was cold..."March 7th said with a small frown at the coldness of Aether's words onscreen.

Icarus scoffed and crossed his arms," You think that's cold? Wait until you see what he does to Varka by the time of Modern Warfare III."

Jean and the Knights of Favonius seemed to be alarmed when they heard did Aether did something to Varka at the end of MWIII - they wanted to know but they chose to keep their mouths silent at the moment.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."Jean muttered, having a terrible feeling that something bad will happen to Varka.

[Aether gets ready to leave but Yukong stops him]

Yukong:Zakhaev wants Barkov's throne.

[Aether's eyes widened and took his seat again]

Aether:I almost buried the bastard in Pripyat - with MacMillan.

Yukong:That was the father. This is the son, Victor.

"It seems like you made a long list of enemies, kid."Kiran said, noticing how Aether reacted when he heard the name Zakhaev onscreen," I just hope none of them are as bad as the last one."

Icarus bit his lip - not wanting to mention the ultimate threat that the task force will face in the future - Vladimir Makarov.

Aether:Lovely family...

Yukong:They're big fans of Luka.

Aether:Well that would explain why he's still alive.

Seele let out an exasperated sigh and looked at Luka with an eyeroll," What did you do this time?"

"Hey, don't look at me! I didn't do anything wrong!"Luka said, in an attempt to defend himself from Seele's harsh words.

Seele sighed with a headshake and simply muttered,


Yukong:They're gonna get him out.

Aether:Then give me what I need.

[Yukong sighs and slides the file pocket towards Aether as Aether began to look over the files for potential recruits into the task force]

Yukong:Who's your crew?

[Aether looks over the files and comes across Caelus's dossier - labeled Caelus "GAZ"]

Aether:Sergeant Caelus.

"Me?"Caelus asked dumbfounded, a bit surprised that Aether chose him of all people to be a part of the task force he planned to created.

"I'd say that's a nice pick."Kiran nodded at Aether's choice onscreen," After all, you're quite the player in our adventures around the universe."

Caelus just nods at Kiran's words, feeling a bit appreciated that Kiran understood Aether's decision onscreen.


Aether:They call him "Gaz". He never said anything.

[Aether places the dossier on the table and goes over the other files]

Aether:Kevin Kaslana. SAS - sniper, demolitions. Goes by "Soap".

Welt's eyes seemed to widen upon the mention of that name onscreen, surprised that Aether chose him as a candidate for the task force onscreen.

"Soap?"March giggled at the ridiculous nickname," What kind of name is Soap anyway?"

Icarus immediately has flashbacks of all the times that Soap has proved to be a bad ass in disguise in the original Modern Warfare trilogy as well as Modern Warfare II. However, his mind immediately drifted to the fate of Soap in the reboot MW.

"It's cool, if you ask me."Caelus said with a shrug, liking the nickname onscreen.

"Of course you think it's cool."Dan Heng said with a small sigh, however, a smile was also evident on his face at Caelus's words.


Aether:That's classified.

[Aether places the dossier along with Caelus. He then let out a chuckle at the next file]

Aether:There he is - Kiran Harumi.

Shinobu, as well as her co-wives, perked up upon the mention of Kiran's name onscreen.

"Oh? Kiran-Chan has a role to play here?"Daki asked with a small smile, excited to see what Kiran will bring on the screen," Oh, I can't wait to see what he does...!"

Icarus chuckled and nodded," Trust me, he's the biggest badass of the Modern Warfare series."

[He places the dossier on the table as Yukong notices that the file is missing a picture]

Yukong:There's no picture.


March 7th sighed exasperatedly," As always, they'll never show your face, huh, Mr. Kiran?"

"You're damn right, I'll never show my face."Kiran said in an almost smug manner, however, he has no plans of showing his face unless the time calls for it.

"Please?"March said with puppy dog eyes - however this proved to be futile as Kiran was immune to tricks like this and only blinked at Match's attempt. She then groaned," Ugh! You're no fun!"

[Aether hides the other files]

Aether:As for the rest? That's need-to-know. Unless we got a deal.

Yukong:... What are you calling this task force?


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