Good Job

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Continued Toymaker's POV

Everything was going relatively well in the shop, until one lady came storming in.
She rushed into the shop and slammed down a broken toy on the counter.
"Good afternoon, what can I do for-"
"What am I supposed to do with this?!" The woman cut Peter off. He tried to keep a polite demeanor.
"I'm sorry?"
"Just look at this mess! I give this toy to my little boys and not even three minutes later it's all busted! I want a refund!"
Peter examined the toy, seeing it was very clearly broken beyond repair. They had been very rough with it.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't refund damaged products. If your boys were too rough with the product, that's not really something I can help-"

"How dare you talk about my boys! They did nothing wrong! I demand a refund!"
"I'm sorry but I can't just-"
"This is absolutely ridiculous. You have lost a customer today." She grabbed the broken toy and rushed out again.

Peter sighed with frustration, but noticing that there wasn't anyone left in the store for the moment, he decided to just close early that day.

Not even a full work day, and Peter was exhausted. He cleaned up a last couple of things, and then trudged through the back door, to the workshop.
He found his assistant working happily away at something at his drawing desk. When they heard him, they finally turned around. Ah, a friendly face.

"Hello assistant. Goodness, I wasn't expecting things to be so busy today, but they sure were."
He walked over to where they were sitting.
"Luckily there was a slow point in the day, so I thought I'd come and check on- well, what's this?" He came and looked over their shoulder.
"May I?" He asked, and they nodded. He picked up the most colorful drawing.
"You drew all this?"
They nodded again.
He had to admit... he was impressed. Maybe this new assistant of his was capable of much more than he was aware.
"Why, these are wonderful! Who knew my new assistant would have such an eye for color?" He said. The assistant smiled wide. This made Peter happy.
"Good ideas, too." He said, scanning over the work. He thought to himself for a moment. These ideas would make really good products.
"Say, if you want, we can really make some of these." He said.
"Of course! I think they would sell quite well!"
They smiled again, and he couldn't help but smile back.
"That sounds fun!"
"Absolutely. We can get to work on them tomorrow, but for now... I think it's time to rest."
Peter gestured for his assistant to follow.
It was silent for a moment, but as he walked them to their room, a thought came to mind.
"What is it?"
"It's just that, I hadn't realized until now that you don't have a name."
"Do you want one?"
"Um... yeah, that would be nice."
He thought for a moment.
"How about... Bailey?"
"Hmm... no."
The assistant shook their head.
"Oh, come on." They said.
Peter laughed.
"Ok, ok. How about.... Y/N?"
Peter hoped they might like that one, and it seemed like they did as they smiled and nodded.
"Very well, Y/N it is."
Peter watched as they opened their door, but just as he was about to close it they turned back.
"What about you?" They said.
"Hm?" Peter said.
"I mean, what about your name? I'm assuming you have one, aside from just... the Toymaker."
He couldn't help but make a face. No one had actually asked his name... in a very long time.
After a minute of silence...
"Peter. It's... Peter."
They smiled.
"Well, I've had a good time working with you today Peter."
He felt a strange warmth somewhere deep inside. But the moment passed as quickly as it came.
"...It's going to be a big day tomorrow, so get some rest." Peter said. "Sleep well, Y/N." He closed the door.
As he turned away, he sighed.

Time to get to work.

The Assistant (Toymaker x reader) Where stories live. Discover now