Will she survive? (FIRST WIFE)

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Catherine was the first wife of the brother of the king, Arthur.

Coa gave birth to a girl named Mary, Henry was so disappointed and furious, until, he saw anne boleyn, his lady in waiting, he got attracted for she's beauty and seductive attitude.

Because coa wouldn't able give birth to a male heir, Henry wants to divorce her to go with anne, because henry believes he cannot marry the wife of he's brother arthur.

Henry wants to divorce coa but the pope said nope, so Henry made he's own church for him to rule there for he able to marry Anne boleyn

Mary l was not allowed to see her own mother since Catherine is now in another kingdom.

Some rumors said that Anne Boleyn is abusing Mary and attempting to poison her (but that wasn't true, we don't have evidence.)
Some said that Anne Boleyn wore  yellow to Catherine's funeral, means that she is happy that coa died (but that wasnt true either, anne boleyn did not go to coa's funeral).

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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