Chapter 14

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"Glad to see your awake" I hear a voice says to me. I look towards the voice and I see a blurred figure come round the corner. I try and concentrate my eyes and the blurred figure becomes more clear. It was Mattheo.

"What did you do?" Mattheo asks me and I'm almost terrified to answer him and I have no idea what I did.

"I...I...I don't know" I tell him in a bare whisper but I knew he could hear me. He stepped closer to me but then stopped as he heared a bunch of footprints run towards us.

It was our friends all of them they came and surrounded my bed that I was laying in. And they all had this same worried expression on their face. I want to tell them something but I don't know what as I don't even know what I did.

Before anyone could say anything we hear the loud thud of what I'm assuming to be the hospital wings doors. I hear one pair of footsteps make their way sort of rushing g but calmly over to me who else would come here to see me.

"What are you doing here what happened?" I hear a familiar voice says to me in a bit if a not caring type of way. The figure to the voice finally appears from around the corner. HARRY?

"what the hell are you doing here?" I ask slightly angrily while hiding my wrists behind my back so that he can't see what I've done.

"Someone told me that you were here and I'd though I'd come and see what you did to get yourself here and see how much I should care" He tells me while rolling his eyes as he was finishing his sentence.

"GET THE FUCK OUT LEAVE ME ALONE" I shout at him while grabbing something off of the desk and throwing it at him and it broke at it broke at his feet. He stumbled back a little to the glass shattering on the floor.

"No I'm not gonna leave till I know what happened" He demands of me.

"Why would you fucking care I left you in the dark so FUCK OFF" I yell back at him hoping that he would just leave.

"You heard the lady fuck off" Mattheo tells Harry while walking g up to. While flinching his head towards the door so Harry would leave.

He finally but sort of reluctantly leave he doesn't even turn back to look at me once last time to see if I'm really alright.

As I hear the hospital door shut I pull my wrists out from behind my back and in my lap.

"I'm fine guys I just fell asleep and lost track of time I got a bit cold that's all" I tell everyone while not even looking at them. But I raise my eyes to meet Matheos giving him a signal of 'don't say anything' I can tell he knew what I meant as he had this sad but worried look on his face.

"You sure your okay" I hear Pansy ask. I manage to shift my eyes from Mattheo to Pansy. I give her a smile and simply nod and she gave me a smile back to show that she believes me.

"It's fine guys I promise I'll see you guys in a but I'm just gonna rest up go ill be alright" I told them even though that worked last time I doubt that would work this time.

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