Mask. ( M/W )

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( listen to sky fall by Adele RN! )

Sunshine May Porter.

That was her name, a girl named Sunshine who never admitted the adjective of her name.

She was the girl who stood next to other girls with her head down and her hood on.

She would cover herself with a black hoodie everyday and a different pair of jeans everytime you seen her.

Sunshine was born with a mind of darkness. She never got happy, she never got jittery...she often stares off into nowhere and wished she was dead.

No. Sunshine wasn't suicidal. She just felt like nothing in this world was a place for her. She never felt like she belonged and nobody ever reassured her that she did.

The place of nothingness she'd been in her entire life made it so she was never happy. It wasn't because she wanted to be different, or because she wanted to be an outcast. She just genuinely never had anything make her happy.

"Ms. Porter!"

Her teacher screamed her name from the front of the class.

Sunshine was brought from the trance she was in, her eyes locked on the masked man staring at her outside the classrooms window.

As soon as Sunshine blinked back into the world around her and not the figure who seemed to be watching her more and more than usual, the figure was gone once again, making her question was he ever there or not.

Sunshine turned her head to where her teacher waited on her pointedly, staring at her like she expected a response.

Sunshine didn't say a word. She stared at the teacher pointedly, just like she was staring at her. And Sunshine expected a fucking response just the same.

"Get out of my classroom. This is the fifth time I've called you and since you can't pay attention, how about you go and pick up a detention slip from the office."

Sunshine still didn't speak. She kept her eyes on her teacher, the same look she'd been giving her from the start.

The girl raised her book bag up onto her shoulder and walked down the steps of the large Pilar's the desks set atop of.

Once sunshine was at the bottom, she stoped, still eyeing her teacher as she opened her mouth.

"Cunt." She says before turning, walking out the door and slamming it behind her.

Sunshine felt a shiver running down her spine like she was being watched.

The feeling had become the normal for her. It was the only time she walked with her head held high because she wanted to see the masked man, she wanted to see who was watching her.

Sunshine stopped at the office doors. The doors were large and rich, showing the amount of money parents poured into the prestigious school Sunshine attended.

This was a place rich parents sent their children just to send a message to the world about how much money they had.

Sunshine's parents were no different. She hadn't seen them since she came to this school, even though she still lives at home.

As soon as she entered highschool her parents left to conquer Paris just like they did New York.  And now they were making double the money as before minus taking care of their daughter.

Sunshine turned around, away from the doors she was ordered to go inside of.

She chose to go the other way, in the direction she felt eyes on her constantly, behind her.

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