Aftermath! Truth Unveiled!

Start from the beginning

    "Please, Nezu, explain what's going on here. This doesn't make any sense!" Mitsuki said tearfully, ignoring the look of rage on her husband's face. Nezu cleared his throat as he nodded. "Very well. Let me read this to you all. Once done, we can dole out the consequences." Nezu said before he started to read aloud.

     "Uncle Nezu. I figure you will be the one to read this and explain things. Sigh, where do I even begin? I guess I should start when things change forever. The day of my stupid quirk diagnosis. See after Slutzumi was diagnosed with a highly powerful telekinetic quirk, and I was diagnosed quirkless. Only mom seemed to care as Cuckinori completely ignored me to focus solely on my slutty sister. Mom sat me down after we got home, and she had explained the quirk situation to Cuckinori. I was broken by that fucking shitty doctor. I asked mom if I could still be a hero even without a quirk. She smiled tearfully as she cupped my cheek. 'Of course you can. You know Uncle Sho fights quirkless as his quirk doesn't do anything to aid him in combat. If you train hard and put that big beautiful brain of yours to work, you definitely could be a hero. Maybe not one like All Might but a hero nonetheless. I love you, Izuku, and I will do all I can to help you achieve your dream!' She said, and it blew the storm clouds away from my heart. I know you all may be angry at mom, but please, it's not her fault she forgot me. Anyway. The next day at school, Slutzumi told Kuntsuki and Shito about me not having a quirk. They made a horrible choice after learning that I still wanted to be a hero. They were gonna beat me until I gave up my dream. Since then, they have beaten me and even used their quirks on me every day. On top of the physical abuse, they also abused me verbally. Threatened to kill me and lied to Cuckinori and Mom about me being a bully to Slutzumi. But the worst had yet to come. As while all that abuse was going on, Enji and Masaru began beating my aunties. It's why Shito has that scar on his face as Uncle Enji had driven Rei insane from all the beatings and rapes.

   Aunty Mitsuki as well is covered in bruises and beaten every time she so much as mentions my existence. I have left evidence in a storage locker to put the bastards away. As well as a video that shows why mother forgot me. See, on our eighth birthday, Slutzumi and Cuckinori paid a villain with a powerful psychic quirk to erase my mother's knowledge of me and my existence. However, I know how to break the quirk's influence on her. If you show her actual evidence of my existence such as that she gave birth to me, it will crack through the quirk's influence. Also you'll need to tell her a secret that only her and I know about. While telling her what she told me when I asked if I could still be a hero, you'll need to either show her my birth certificate or pictures of her and I together. That should break the quirk and allow her to remember me as well as evidence of Cuckinori's and Slutzumi's trickery and treatment of me.

   As for me, I learned about Cuckinori being All Might and his choice to give One For All to Slutzumi. After hearing that and all the abuse compiled on top of it, I couldn't take it anymore. Don't worry, I'm not dead... however, I have run away. In hopes of finding a life for myself. When mother returns, I pray you help restore her memory. As well I hope the bitchsquad, Cuckinori, Enji, and Masaru pay for their sins. Uncle Nezu, as much as I hate to make this request of you. Especially after all you, Uncle Sho, Uncle Zashi, Auntie Nem, Grampa Torino, Granny Chiyo, Uncle David, and Uncle Nao have done for me throughout the years. All the things you all taught me. The kindness and love you shared for me. Those memories of the good times and my first 8 years of living with my mother. Please blacklist the bitchsquad from all hero schools, Cuckinori's, Enji's, and Masaru's crimes to be made public and them to be arrested and charged for their crimes. Tell Mother I love her and this was not her fault. I do not blame her for what's become of my life.

    However, there is one more person I need to explain things to. I pray she is there with you. If not, can you please ensure Melissa gets my letter to her? If she is, please tell her this. Of all the kids I've met in life, none compare to her. She is so brilliant, kind, caring, happy, and beautiful. I know her life as a quirkless was vastly different from my own. Hell, even the bitchsquad never hurt her or broke her dream of being a hero. Cuckinori and Nightcunt, however, did. But I never once doubted her. I know she will be an amazing hero someday and one of if not the top inventor of support gear in the world. I fully support her and hold nothing against her for having a somewhat normal life. We can not choose our family or decide how they will treat us. But I pray Cuckinori at least sees her like I do. Melissa has the heart of a true hero. If anyone deserves to be the ninth wielder of OFA, it's her. Heh. I never thought I'd say this as I was always too scared of how she'd respond. We may never meet again in life, Melissa, but I want you to know I liked you and wanted to be more than just a friend. I'm sorry for the pain I cause and pray you gets to live your dream. Even if Cuckinori doesn't give her OFA, she will be a hero regardless. I just wish I had been brave enough to tell her I felt.

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