He had to prepare it in advance. Allowing him to regenerate and then rest to regain as much energy as he could. Cutting himself up in the midst of the fight would have been to risky.

"Idle transfiguration! Morning star!" Y/N shouts as spikes shoot out of the arm flying up towards Bakugo so many spikes getting so long the and many that the arm couldn't be seen anymore

"Now you'll get it patch face! Howitzer Impact!!" Bakugo shouts back

A giant explosion erupts, illuminating the whole stadium.

"Whoa what the hell!? Again!? I can't see anything!" Mic complains

The whole stadium is filled with dust and smoke. As it slowly starts to settle. Y/N and Bakugo stand there. A few meters apart. Smoke rising from Y/N singed clothes and Bakugo having spikes stuck in his hands. Both breathing heavily.

"Both are still standing! What is going on here!?" Mic shouts

"Now isn't this just magnificent!?" Y/N asks Bakugo

"Fighting! All this adrenaline! Just because we can! Not limited by what they want to see! No fair fight until one cries! A real battle!" Y/N continues smiling wide

Bakugo pulls one hand of the spike, looking at the hole.

"Bakugo I advise you to stand down. We don't know what could happen if you use your ability when your hand is wounded like that!" Midnight tells him

"Come on! Your not done yet, are you?" Y/N asks smiling widely

"Oh fuck off!" Bakugo shouts reaching out his hand sending an explosion forward to Y/N

The pain in Bakugo's hand is immense, but nothing he can't take. But the once round hole is now ripped open more.

"Damn, that looks painful!" Y/N chuckles his hair singed and smoke rising

With a determined face Bakugo stares at Y/N.

"You simply weren't prepared for this! I'm pretty sure once we both have seen all of each others tricks on your way to the top our battle will be far more interesting! But now let me stop you here before there won't be a top for you!" Y/N tells him

The spikes of the morning star, start to slither around and shoot towards Bakugo, grabbing around him. He doesn't even has time to react. In moments he is captured and his trap starts to slither towards the edge of the field.

"I ain't fucking done, patch face!" Bakugo shouts

"You may have more potential power! But you lack durability! I simply hit you at your weakness!" Y/N tells him

"Fuuuck you!" Bakugo shouts trying to get out of the binds

"Katsuki Bakugo is out of bounds! Y/N L/N is the victor of the sports festival!" Midnight announces

The spectators in the stands hold their cheers for a moment. Obviously unsure of how the victor claimed their victory. But in the end most of them were just there for the entertainment, this was basically like old gladiator battles. So after a moment the people start to cheer and stand up as Bakugo gets escorted out to recovery girl.

"Please come back in about 10 minutes, then we'll do the award ceremony." Midnight tells Y/N

Y/N nods then leaves the stadium only to be immediately greeted by some of his classmates. Midorya and Uraraka up in the front.

"Don't you think what you did was a bit... Extreme?" Midorya asks him

"This is not about, what is extreme, or what you think is right. This is about doing what you want and believe is necessary." Y/N tells him

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