Chapter 2

37 3 4

Third person pov

"WHAT!!" The ada screamed except ranpo

"It was quite obvious to me"ranpo remarked

"Yes .... But that's not the point of concern right now. Chuuya I need you to bring him here right now! Dazai said

"I already did.. Akutagawa must be bringing him here"chuuya replied

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door

"That must be them.." atsushi said while standing up to open the door

"Jinko..." Akutagawa said as soon as he saw atsushi

"Ryuu.. Come on in.. Chuuya-san is also here and you too mr. ....err...."atsushi replied while shifting his gaze towards a red head man who seemed to be in his twenties

"Oda sakunosuke"

"Yes.. please come in"

As the three of them walked towards the others everyone was looking at odasaku but his eyes were fixed on one person

"Dazai....."oda said calmly while dazai was just looking down as if he was not ready to look at him

"Excuse me....."Dazai said as he got up from his seat as walked towards the room separate from the others

"I think you should go after him mr. Sakunosuke" ranpo said while looking at oda with his emerald eyes

As oda walked into the room he spotted dazai who was looking at a picture or was a picture of him , oda and ango together at the lupin bar.... From the last time they met

"Am I a good person odasaku? Did I fulfill your wish....."dazai whispered to himself

" Umm... Dazai? Correct?"oda asked as dazai sighed

" It seems that my hunch was correct you really don't know me at all"dazai said while turning to odasaku and placing the picture back into his pocket

"Am I... Supposed to?..." Odasaku asked dazai

"No... Don't worry about it"dazai replied

"I.. was send after... Dazai by any chance were you perhaps.... Nevermind"oda said dazai was curious about what he wanted to say but chose to ignore it.

"Yeah I know why ranpo send you but i already got the answer so let's go outside"dazai remarked

The conclusion that dazai reached was related to his secret that nobody knew of... As he walked outside to find ranpo waiting for him

"What are you hiding dazai......"ranpo questioned

"What are you talking about ranpo san..?"

"You know exactly what i am talking about Osamu Dazai" ranpo said while opening his eyes ranpo was not one to be angered easily so the other were quite confused what secret of the young detective made him Angry

"I really don't know ranpo" dazai replied

" Then why do I feel like it can be dangerous for the WHOLE WORLD"ranpo said slamming his hands on the desk as others were shocked after hearing this

Dazai sighed as he was now in a very confusing situation because what was happening was not supposed to happen and he needed to tell them something forbidden in order to figure it out , this was the conclusion dazai reached

"I don't even know if i can tell you that and it might effect the future very much but if i want to figure out the situation i guess i need to"dazai said to everyone there

"There is a book that can alter reality.. It can create universes, change the future, create even life itself.... It is a self contagious novel in order to become reality the things should written as a novel is written..." Everyone was shocked that such a thing can even exist but seeing the expression on the face of the demon prodigy made everything clear that he was telling the truth

"Really...? Such a thing exists?" Atsushi asked his mentor

"Yes atsushi.. It does" dazai replied

"I guess that makes it clear why the Russian rat is roaming around Yokohama for so long as well" dazai remarked

" Rat?" Kunikida questioned

" Fyodor dostoevsky. A terrorist that was involved with the hacking of device that stopped the mobidick.. Right dazai..." Ranpo said

"Yes..." Dazai answered

"So if that book is so dangerous that we must find it dazai and it seems that you know a lot about it...? " This time Yosano was the one to ask the question

" That is actually the secret ranpo was taking about... I ... you can say know where it is..."dazai replied

"WHAT? .. SO YOU ARE SAYING YOU HAVE SUCH THING WITH YOU" kunikida said while everyone else just started at dazai with wide eyes

"Well... That is where the problem starts....Odasaku.. You are supposed to be dead you died in my arms for years ago"dazai further added

" So are you saying this is the work of the book?" Atsushi asked

" Well how do I say this.... There is no such 'book'...I mean it exists but not in the form of a book instead" dazai stopped while glancing at everyone present there. Taking a deep breath he began once again

"I know it's hard to believe and you free to believe me if you want to but if you are not it's not my problem....
You all see the book is actually..


To be continued

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