Fawzan I didn't insult your mother. I didn't say bad thing about your mother.
Do you think I care if you we don't cross path again? You need more sense because you are not mature enough to be in university.
Kayla! Fawzan raise his hand to hit her but stop midway.

Stay away from me. If You fall into my trap you will regret crossing path with me.
Thank you for reminding me of my mother's death. I should have known who you are before sharing my secret with you.

Fawzan do you caught me up spreading your secret to the world? Do you think I am someone who you can't confide in? I am not a hypocrite. If one trust me with his secret then they are safe with me.
I didn't share your secret with Kulthum. Kulthum is my best friend and we don't hide anything from each other but I keep this away from her because I made a promise to you.

I don't care what you think or say. Fawzan thundered and stormed out of the room.
Kayla, Kulthum, I'm sorry for what happened.
I'm sorry we should have knocked before entering.
We called both of Your numbers and they were switched off.
I will talk to Fawzan. Rahim muttered.
No, let him be. Talking to him won't change anything, it won't change who he is.

Rahim Humm.
Kulthum I want us to talk outside. Rahim muttered.
Kulthum nod her head and follow Rahim out.
Kulthum, I'm sorry. Rahim muttered.
Kulthum creased a confused brow at him.
Why are you apologizing? You didn't wrong me.

We are friends. I accept that we will only be friends. I don't hold anything in mind against you.
Let's give it a try. Rahim interrupted.
Kulthum glance at Rahim.
Rahim, please don't force yourself to be in a relationship with me.
I don't want us to force things on each other.
You ain't interested in me and I see that in you. Kulthum muttered.

Kulthum bye call me before you leave for Airport. I will be there to escort you girls to the airport.
Take care, my regards to Kayla. Rahim muttered and walked away.
Kulthum puff a sigh.
She walk in.
Kayla keep pacing in the bedroom.
Kulthum, I shouldn't have talked to Fawzan in that manner.
He is hurt by my words. I shouldn't have talked about his mother in such a manner. Kayla facepalm.

Kayla Fawzan is rude and egocentric. You didn't say anything wrong. You only tell him the truth.
There is a saying that truth is bitter but no matter how sour it will sound we need to say it.
Kayla, Rahim want us to give the relationship a try. Kulthum mumble.
Kayla's face broke into a smile.
Congratulations dear. Mrs Rahim. Kayla teased.

Kayla, I don't think it's a good idea. I feel like Rahim agree to it because he feels like his actions are hurting me. He doesn't agree to it because he was willing to. Rahim doesn't love me.
Kulthum, maybe Rahim love you too but he is scared. He is afraid to fall victim again.
Rahim is a nice person. Rahim wouldn't want to break your heart.
He is afraid of heartbreak.

Rahim told you he is 23 which means he is older than us.
He is more mature than Fawzan.
Kulthum hug Kayla.
Let's get dressed before Your Dad's friend call us. Kulthum muttered.

Fawzan I hope you know you overreacted. Why are you making life hard for Yourself?
You shouldn't talk to Kayla in such a manner.
They didn't say anything wrong. Kayla didn't say anything bad about you. Kulthum did and she didn't say anything bad too. Kulthum was only curious.

Rahim, please don't lecture me on what to do with my life. It is my life, not Yours.
I choose how I want to leave it.
If You can't stand by my side you can leave.
I will be alone.
You are defending them because you like Kulthum. Didn't you? Rahim imagine Yourself in my shoes how will you feel?
You know me better than anyone else.
You know I hate people to meddle in my matters.

If I should respect their privacy why can't they? Must Kulthum know why I am acting this way? What is her business? Why can't they mind their business? Fawzan thundered.
Fawzan You need to change. This not who you are? Why should you allow Your mother's death to change everything about you?

Rahim! Fawzan called clenching his fist.
What? Do you want to hit me? Hit me Fawzan. Hit me. Rahim spat.
Fauwan you want me to keep quiet and watch you ruin your life and people's happiness.
I will not. I am Your best friend and Your childhood friend.
I am like a brother to you.
Fawzan, Kayla is right. You are acting like you are the only victim.

Life is hard for everyone. Everyone has a tough situation he or she is going through.
Fawzan, have you forgotten I also Lost my mom? My mom died when I was six years old.
I was young when my mother died. I have two elder sisters who are married.
My little ones. You know about Safna. Safna is mentally unstable.

My stepmom treats us badly. My Dad didn't say anything about it. I am the only one there for them.
I left them at home in the hands of my wicked stepmother.
I am worried every day about them because I know things will get worse when I'm away.
Rahma cried anytime she called me.
She informed me yesterday that Safna's condition is critical and my Dad forbade my elder sisters to take Safna and Rahma with them.

You asked me Last night when you noticed my mood and I told you I'm fine.
Fawzan I wasn't okay. I have a lot going on in my mind.
I share some things with you because you are my best.
I didn't use my problem to punish others because they are not the cause of my problem.

Fawzan Your mother died when you were 16 year old. You were not a child when she died unlike me.
Fawzan, You need to stop blaming others for your problem. It is your problem deal with it without causing conflict with anyone.
The truth is bitter but the person who love you is the one who tell you the truth.
Do you want to end our friendship? Go on do it if you can leave without me. Rahim spat.

Rahim flick back his tears grab his towel and enter the bathroom to shower.
Fawzan sat on the bed and break down.

5:00 pm

Kayla and Kulthum wheel their luggage out.
Rahim arrived at Mr Majid's mansion.
He help Kayla and Kulthum take their luggage to the car.
Majid's children and wife wave at Kayla.
Kayla and Kulthum sit in the back seat and Rahim sit in the front.

Where is Fawzan? Majid ask Rahim.
Fawzan was sleeping when I left the hostel. I don't want to wake him up that's why I come alone. Rahim lied.
He muttered astagfirullah inwardly.
Majid ignite the car engine and zoom out of the house.
He drive Kayla and Kulthum to the airport.

Kayla and Kulthum's luggage were wheeled inside the plane immediately they take their luggage out of the car.
Kayla I will miss you. My regards to Your Mom. I will talk to Your Dad before you arrive.
Kulthum, my regards to your parents too. Majid muttered.
Thank you, Uncle. Kayla and Kulthum muttered.
They wave at Rahim and enter the plane.

Kayla and Kulthum fasten their seatbelt.
Kulthum Rahim has missed you already. Don't you see the look on his face? Kayla teased.
Kulthum ignored her.

Rahim return to the hostel.
Fawzan stand up from the bed and walked to him.
Can we talk? Fawzan muttered.
Rahim Humm.
Rahim! Fawzan call.
Fawzan what do you want to say? Rahim asked.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk to you in that manner.
I realized my mistakes. Please don't leave me. You are right I can't leave without you. Fawzan muttered.
Rahim shook his head.
Rahim, Fawzan called.
I have forgiven you. I'm sorry if my words hurt you too.
I will never leave you Fawzan.
We are not just friends but brothers.
Brothers are always there for each other.

Fawzan please call Kayla and sort things out with her. Apologize to her. Rahim muttered.
Okay, I will. Fawzan muttered but deep down he promised himself not to talk to Kayla again.
Kayla remind him of his mother's death and say ill manner words to him.

It's a morning update.

Alright, don't forget to click on the start button.

She Changed Him ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora