Studies and Speeches

Start from the beginning

"Visiting the sectors." I reply. Years of working with steves have made me a good liar. "Indigo and Blue keep gushing about how beautiful their sectors are getting. Have you been on duty there yet?" LC shakes his head.

"Light doesn't station Yellow Steves there." he replies, a shadow crossing over his face. "Even with our armor on, he's afraid something might slip. He doesn't want the Blue or Indigo Steves to feel frightened. After the Corrected Sun, I can't blame them for being wary." A few eyes dart toward us at the mention of The Corrected Sun. Even though it was recent, the subject has become kind of taboo. Nobody wants to think about it. Especially since many of them were probably members in secret, those who weren't caught when Sol fell.

"I'm sorry." I mutter, wishing I hadn't brought it up. LC just shrugs.

"The Blue and Indigo Guards still like me, though." he says with a smile. "I'll ask them to show me around sometime." With a slight wave, he walks on, toward the place where the Yellow Sector merges with the chaos of the center. Several guards greet him as he passes.

The security is heavier the closer I get to home. Four guards remain in view of my house, and they all nod in greeting as I slip inside. Ever since the hate notes appeared in my home, Light has kept guards closeby. I haven't received any since the Corrected Sun, but the guards comfort me nonetheless.

After all, if they can protect the Rainbow Kingdom, I can focus on the sickness.

I walk up the stairs with a sigh, amazed at how much has happened in only one day. Questions start to buzz in my mind. Most of them are about my old world. The Steve Saga Realm. Has it really survived all this time? I thought it was destroyed with the End Crystal, but it seems like I actually managed to save it from my own stupid decisions.

Shame burns inside of me as I remember that moment, but I shake it off. I don't have time for that now. I have to focus.

Now upstairs, I take the book back out, sitting at a small desk. I notice there's another paper already sitting there. A note. A twinge of panic runs through me before I recognize the handwriting. It's the note M tried to send me before deciding to barge into the Leader's meeting instead.

Hey Sabre,

Something's up with a certain mad scientist. I need your help. Meet me at the abandoned library as soon as possible. It's urgent.


I wonder how long he waited before coming to get me himself. With a small smile, I move the note out of the way, placing the sturdy book on the table instead. I flip carefully to the first chapter and begin to read.


Day 5

M's P.O.V.


I'm trembling with nerves as the Red Steves gather, waiting for me to address them. The paper with my speech on it crumples a little in my tight grip. Do I really have to do this now?

I take a deep breath, trying to straighten my posture into something leader-like. The Red Leader had proposed giving the speech himself, but I had turned him down. I know I can do this. Also, the urgency in Sabre's voice when he warned about the sickness still sticks with me. I'm not letting the Red Leader infect anyone by accident. Even if it means I have to pick up all his work on my own.

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