A8 C232: City Lord, Someone is Bullying Me

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Sang Feiwan, with one hand behind his head, just hugged him and smiled, then whispered near his ear after a moment, "City Lord, what's there to fear? Feiwan only indulges in the City Lord alone."

Whether this line stirred Baili Duyue's heart is unclear, but his figure suddenly trembled, lifting his head to gaze at Sang Feiwan in a daze. His eyes were as enchanting as a river in spring, and a hint of blush appeared at the corners of his eyes.

Seemingly easy to bully.

Sang Feiwan kissed him, biting lightly, causing a bit of pain. For some reason, Baili Duyue felt an unbearable sensation, as if wanting more. Unconsciously, he moved his body slightly.

His gaze was puzzled, not understanding why he felt this way, with a hint of pleading as he looked at Sang Feiwan: "..."

Sang Feiwan paused, well aware of why Baili Duyue reacted this way—emotions. However...

But he hadn't done anything, just slowly reached for the quilt, covering Baili Duyue and himself within. After hugging him and giving a kiss, he whispered, "It's getting late, rest now."

Sang Feiwan had experienced various encounters before, always avoiding entanglements, but being with Baili Duyue was already breaking his previous records. He hadn't decided whether to take the final step.

Fortunately, Baili Duyue was oblivious to the situation, not overthinking it. Upon hearing Sang Feiwan, he gently rubbed his shoulder, obediently closing his eyes.

Sang Feiwan, originally a bit restless, couldn't resist the overwhelming drowsiness in the latter half of the night and fell asleep in a hazy state.

As a cultivator, sleep was optional for Baili Duyue. It was the first time he shared a bed with someone, watching Sang Feiwan's face in the night, and for some reason, he found it a bit difficult to sleep.

Could it be from excitement?

Baili Duyue lightly touched Sang Feiwan's lips with his fingertips, his gaze thoughtful. Finally, fearing to wake him up, he slowly withdrew his hand.

Baili Duyue had been stuck at the bottleneck of the Third Realm of the Harmonious Path for several years, just a hair's breadth away from the Transcendent Realm. He had originally planned to break through the bottleneck within ten years, but now it seemed he had to temporarily put that plan on hold.

He cultivated the Path of Ruthlessness...

Now that he had developed emotions, his state of mind was naturally not as calm as before.

He had never heard of anyone who, after developing emotions, could continue cultivating the Path of Ruthlessness.

Baili Duyue already stood at the pinnacle of this world, free from worries about wealth and power. Whether in the Harmonious Path or the Transcendent Realm, his days remained dull and unchanging. Becoming a master of the Transcendent Realm might earn him three more points of awe from others, but what use were those?

As Sang Feiwan said, like a stone.

Being a stone for thousands of years was not as good as being a person for a hundred years, experiencing joys and sorrows, having desires and feelings, and savoring the ultimate joy of human life.

Baili Duyue had previously focused solely on cultivation, seeking the ultimate path of immortality, hence avoiding emotions, fearing damage to his Dao heart. But now, upon reflection, he found this attitude too stubborn; such matters couldn't be achieved overnight.

Fish and bear's paw couldn't be both had, just like choosing between emotions and the Dao. If one tried to pursue both, it might be too greedy, and in the end, they could end up with nothing.

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