I'm not fat, I'm actually a bit underweight, since my weight and height don't match, that's why I don't understand why my Aunts love to nitpick about my weight all the damn time. And yes, I'm not that smart or that pretty, but I'm sure that I'm average. So, why can't they just accept that fact? Why do they love to say those mean things? What do they even gain from it?

They started doing that ever since I was a little kid, so I guess that's one of the reasons why I developed the fear of eating too much in front of strangers or people I'm not close to since I'm afraid I'd get judged.

I went inside my own bathroom when the clock turned 4 pm since my meet up with Anton was at 5 PM.

After taking a bath, I chose what I'll be wearing, before blow drying my hair and curling it to look more presentable. I need to doll myself up if I'm going to hang out with Anton since that guy's so good looking, I'd get mogged if I only show up with my bare face and some sweat pants and a shirt.

"Where are you going? On a date?" My aunt asked me when she saw going down the stairs all dolled up.

"Oh no! I'm just going to meet with my friend for our group project," I answered her, and I was so glad that Anton and I decided to go out, instead of doing it in my house because I would never let these annoying relatives of mine meet him.

They might say something insensitive, worse, they might embarrass me in front of Anton.

"I believe her. With her looks? She'll never find a guy who'll date her. And out of all the things you can get from your dad, it's gotta be his height. Men nowadays are short, who'd date a tall girl?"my aunt asked and was even feigning concern with her tone, and I wanted to say something, but stopped myself or else I'll get called disrespectful for answering.

They love to throw insults here and there since they're still bitter that my father married my mother. And their history wasn't good since my mother was someone they'd likely bully back when they were in highschool.

"Where's Sungchan?" I asked instead, trying to change the topic.

"We ordered him to buy some snacks since we saw a convenience store nearby earlier while on our way here."

My lips turned into a straight line after I heard their response. My brother was too tired from practice and yet they're asking him to buy something? In this heat? He also suffered from a minor injury just a few days ago, and although it's healed now, we're all still trying to refrain him from moving too much, and yet these entitled relatives of ours decided to order him around?

"Why didn't you ask your daughter to go and buy it instead?" I couldn't help but ask, sounding a bit irritated.

"I don't like your tone, dear. Besides, why would my daughter go out and buy? What if something happens to her, huh? Crazy. Just like her mom..." I hear my aunt muttering, and as much as I wanted peace and quiet, I couldn't just stay silent if it's about my Mom.

"Don't disrespect my mother!" I ordered, trying my best to sound as serious as possible, but my aunts just laughed at my face before talking to each other again.

I wanted to scream at them, tell them to leave this instant, but my Ma didn't raise me like that. Instead, I swallowed all the anger up, and decided to check my phone to see the time. But, to my surprise, I heard a honk of a car outside our gate.

"Oh, is that your friend? Invite him in!" My aunt excitedly ordered, and even before I can stop everything from happening, my other aunt was fast enough to open the gate and even letting Anton in.

They all greeted Anton when he was already inside. I looked at Anton apologetically since everything happened so fast that I couldn't do anything to stop all these from happening.

meet me at midnightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang