Chapter 2

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I didn't even bother to fix myself before leaving my room to go to where the visitor was.

I didn't expect anyone to visit me today so I couldn't help but wonder who it was.

A handsome man's back turned towards me. He was sitting on the sofa and seemed to be waiting for me. I cleared my throat as soon as I got close, I sat on the opposite sofa where he was sitting.

Our eyes met, I was stunned staring into his eyes. No, this can't be. He has the same color eyes as the man in my dream, I stared at his face, he was so handsome and his body was so perfect as if everything was perfect in his physical body, I drooled at the thought of how handsome this man was. The face of the man in my dream was not clear, far from the face of the man in front of me.

"What do you need?" I politely asked to recover from staring at him, I couldn't take my eyes off his eyes, his golden eyes were so beautiful.

His face was very serious but even that did not reduce his handsomeness.

I was stunned to notice him staring at my face, I was suddenly embarrassed because I didn't even bother to fix myself.

"I'm your stepfather," I was stunned when he said it directly. "You're now all alone, so you have to come with me."

"Where are you taking me?" I asked to recover from the shock.

"In my house," he replied sparingly.

"I can't just trust you easily," I said in a low voice.

"You have no choice but to trust me." He said seriously, I noticed his gaze fixed on my neck.

I cleared my throat, I had no other choice but to come because there was no one to support me, he was the only remaining family I had. I sighed and nodded to him.

"Why aren't you here to bury mom?" I asked him.

"I'm in a foreign country, I was caught on arrival." It still doesn't say anything emotional.

I kept quiet and didn't ask any more questions. He said that I will pack because I will go with him to his house.

After cleaning things up, I took a shower, when I came out of the bathroom, I was surprised to see my step-father sitting on my bed.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stammered, he stood up while staring at me causing me to tighten my grip on the towel covering my naked body.

"Don't come closer," my voice said softly as he was only a few inches away from me, his face came closer to my neck and I could feel his hot breath hitting my neck. I jumped when I felt him lick it and something sharp touched my neck, I took all my strength and pushed him.

"Naughty!" I yelled and turned away from him to grab the clothes from the bed before running back to the bathroom.

I was too nervous and didn't realize my tears were falling. What happened? Why is that scenario familiar in my dream?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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